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Robotics and Integrated Manufacture For the 21st Century (RIM21)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposal describes a collaborative project, involving centres of engineering excellence in the North East Institute and the Institute of Technology, Sligo. It aims to assist local companies to develop expertise in the emerging technology areas of Robotics and Integrated Automated Manufacture. This expertise will allow companies to compete on the national and international stages, will increase the skills base of the local workforce and will make the region more attractive for new company start-up and inward investment. Achievements: The Institute of Technology Sligo and Northern Regional College Ballymena completed a ground breaking manufacturing support project with major implications for industry in the North West and North East of Ireland. At the project launch, Micheál Martin, TD, Minister for Enterprise, the then Minister, Trade and Employment said Ireland must move from an enterprise philosophy of jobs and growth to one of competitiveness and productivity. He said the RIM 21 project clearly showed our determination toadapt to globalisation pressures and to do business more productively. RIM 21 liaised with local manufacturing industry on both sides of the border, identifyingtechnology gaps which were affecting company competitiveness. Ground breaking, cutting edge manufacturing cells and training laboratories, were set up in IT Sligo and NRC providing an opportunity for industry to access the latest robotic, automation and CNC technology. Extensive hands-on training was delivered at both centres and further online training was also provided. Fourteen manufacturing businesses took part in the RIM 21 project with almost 800 people trained in these emerging technologies. One tangible benefit of the project is evident through collaboration with Ryobi Aluminium Castings based in Carrickfergus.NRC created tailored maintenance and operations training for 17 robot cell operators. This resulted in a production time saving of 63 days and the partnership winning a National Training Award. As well as working with individuals and industry, the RIM 21 facilities were used as a showcase by development agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and the IDA, with a view to encouraging new companies to set up in the region and existing companies to expand. Through the establishment of an all Ireland Robotics Forum, the RIM 21 project also fostered linkages between like minded usinesses on both sides of the border, enabling the sharing of experiences and best practice in thefield of robotics and integrated manufacture.RIM 21 demonstrated that the North West and North East regions have the levels of innovation, people and support infrastructure through third level institutions like IT Sligo and NRC to successfully develop and retain world leading innovative and hi-tech industries. The location of these training and research and development cells within their own regions played an invaluable role in the uptake of the facilities. Both centres continue to produce a steady stream of high calibre graduates capable of working in a modern production environment. The level of graduate employment from both education institutes involved in the project also reflects the successful transfer of technology from higher education to industry.

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  • 74.7%   1 422 171,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Ireland - Northern Ireland (IE-UK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform