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ROAR - Raising Opportunies for international Awareness in our Region
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Järfälla Municipality is working hard on developing the internationalisation within education and strengthening the European dimension in the classrooms. To make sure that this is met FoG has decided to put extra efforts in applying for courses for in-service training in Europe. The overall objective is to raise the quality in education in the municipality of Järfälla. The municipality has a vision of a bottom-up perspective and wants to encourage more staff to take a step into Europe to share experiences and expertise on several chosen topics stated in our International development plan. Through our network of former participants within the transversal program we still have good contacts with the partners who offer courses for in-service training ROAR is the title of this project which encourages staff in our preschools and schools to apply for European courses. The courses are all a selection of courses identified in our international plan and some are dedicated for leaders, some for teachers and pre school teachers. A special focus is put on the pre schools since they want to raise their possibilities in international cooperation. The activitities selected makes an extended part of their national curriculum - outdoor learning and science. Courses offered in the UK, Portugal, Latvia, and Lithuania are selected since they offer what we have identified in our needs analyis. FoG wants a perspective where we look at the west as well as the east part of Europe which is important for us and it is of special interest that we have chosen the Baltic countries since we might have more in common than we think..

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