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RITM - Repere Inter- si Transdisciplinare Moderne
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European development plan for Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu comprises proposals for optimal solutions to priority problems identified through SWOT analysis, as follows: a short-term plan for the 2014-2015 school year; a long-term plan for 2014-2018; a strategic plan until 2020. These solutions have led to formulating the objectives and strategic options for the proposed targets of the RITM project (Modern Inter- and Transdisciplinary Landmarks - Repere Inter- si Transdiciplinare Moderne). Objective 1: Lifelong learning and teacher training aimed at promoting modern, interactive, student-centered teaching methods, based on interdisciplinarity. Specific objectives: - participation of at least 15 % of the teaching staff in European training programmes and activities in accordance with the identified training needs; - performance of at least 1 methodical activity and at least 1 class observation session aimed at classroom use of modern, interactive, student-centered teaching methods, based on interdisciplinarity, for at least 50 % of a school’s teaching departments. Indicators of completion: the Europass Mobility certificates, records of methodical activities and class observation sessions. Objective 2: Training teachers for European citizenship and intercultural education. Specific objectives: - participation of at least 10% of the teaching staff in training programs and activities for European citizenship and intercultural education in Europe; - organization of at least 1 activity aimed at European citizenship and intercultural education with the participation of at least 10 students and 2 teachers. Indicators of completion: the Europass Mobility Certificates, records of activities. Objective 3: Developing European cooperation projects to support the education for European citizenship and students’ practice of linguistic and technical/digital skills. Specific objectives: - identifying partners and developing school application to obtain funding for at least 1 Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project; - organizing at least 2 eTwinning activities aimed at practicing linguistic and technical/digital skills with the participation of at least 30 students and 2 teachers. Indicators of completion: application/applications dully filled in and sent to the Coordinator's National Agency within specified deadline(s), eTwinning Certificate/Certificates. The 13 teachers participating in mobility activities will be democratically selected from the teachers in our school by a selection committee, based on clear and coherent criteria: knowledge of the language used in the training course, the perceived needs of the teacher in question; a concrete need identified by their head of department; the personal motivation for attending the course; the tentative plan for integrating the knowledge to be acquired in the course into daily school work. The skills acquired or developed by the teachers taking part in the RITM project are: skills for the teaching of various subjects; teaching skills; raising awareness about the study of foreign languages; social skills; advanced ITC skills; European citizenship. Implementing the results of the project, as well as its impact will be enriching for our organisational culture, and will purposefully result in increased satisfaction and motivation levels among the teachers and students benefiting from it either directly or indirectly. We estimate the results of the project will multiply in time. This project is only the first step in a series - there is the perspective of replicating it in other projects.
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