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Risks of global warming: the case of coral reef ecosystems in developing countries (BIOCORE)
Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This proposal will seek to examine biological diversity with particular reference to coral reef ecosystems to the environment, economy and human well-being. Coral reef ecosystems are reported to be the richest bio-diverse group in the world and from the socio-economic view; they are mainly located in developing countries. The cost of policy inaction will result to 60% corals reef loss by 2030 resulting to significant, and potentially irreversible welfare losses to the future generations.Objectives:1-To develop conceptual framework to examine welfare impacts on biodiversity and coral reef ecosystem2-To link society, economy, environment to ecosystem by incorporating socio- economic and demographic factors3-To evaluate welfare impacts by simulating policy conservation programmes for environment, economy and people’s wellbeing4-To deliver policy suggestions to value ecosystems and promote dissemination portal among all stakeholdersOutput:-Interactive web-based database and mapping tool to access data collected and to visualize the value of biodiversity and ecosystem conservation programs linked to human welfare and poverty alleviation-Specific education and dissemination activities for coral reef protection and coordination from organizations such as: Conservation International, International Coral Reef Action Network and UNEP World Conservation Monitoring CentreBenefits:1-Society: identification of socio-economic and demographic datasets will provide a better understanding how these factors impact conservation2-Economy: estimation of economic benefits coral ecosystems will assist in minimizing losses and ensure sustainable management and conservation3-Institution: network opportunity with European and international researchers for immediate and future collaboration; and in Europe, policy action in conserving, mitigating and awareness campaigns on coral ecosystems will strengthen international co-operation, development and security"

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