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"Rimani-Amo a Scuola in Europa! "
Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Vocational Institute "Giancarlo Vallauri" Carpi is placed within an economic reality which is one of the most important industrial districts of the North of Italy and is divided in four main sectors of study: mechanical, electrical, electronic, textile and clothing .Starting from the school year 2011/2012 the Institute "Vallauri" is part of the Regional System of Education and Vocational Training, called IeFP, which aims at achieving a Diploma of Professional Qualification at the end of the third year. The "Rimani-Amoa scuola in Europa!"Project is intended to bring learning to the teachers involved with methodologies and strategies implemented in European contexts that enhance the reduction of the school dropout rate that, for the school year 2015/16, was 25%. The objectives which the project aims at are: to increase the skills of teachers in the practices againgst early school leaving and dropping out comparing with the actions practiced in European countries, to develop professional skills in the foreign language, to improve skills in the use of ICT tools.The group of participants in the project was formed through the selection of The Self-assessment Evaluation Comittee of the Institute chaired by the Head Master that selected the candidates proposed on the basis of parameters which take into account the motivation, experience gained , working as permanent teachers, the self-training activity, the positions held within the school, the 'subject area and the knowledge of English. Of the 12 participants , one is a Technical Assistant,4 teach Linguistic and Humanistic subjects ,4 teach Vocational disciplines ,3 teach Maths and Scientific subjects. The participants will attend the following courses:1) 17/07/- 27/07/2016 Creative Learning Teaching, Rodi, Greece 2) 7/08-13/08/ 2016 Creativity in teaching and learning by using ICT, Assen,Belgium3) 20/11-26/11/2016 Structured visit to school , Netherlands4) 5/02-10/02/2017 Enhance the Motivation of studentsof Technical and Vocational Education , Bruges, Belgium5) 26/2-4/3/2017 Structured Study Visit to School, Dublin, Ireland6) 2/4-8/4/ 2017 Game-based learning benchmarking Finland , Helsinki,Finland7) 23/4-29/4/ 2017 Structured visit to schools , Reykjavik, Iceland8) 15/05-25/5/2017 Addressing Discrimination in school matters,Pymouth , England9) 2/7-7/7/2017 Avoid dropouts in scools- The way of Finland ,Joensu,FinlandThe teachers have followed a preparation before the period of staying abroad with English language courses, seminars on project management and seminars on the cultures of the host countries. The course management is planned by the teachers themselves in agreement with local trainers from the course providers. The same training agencies will ensure the monitoring of teacher training with written and oral tests and will care about the follow-up activities.. The project is also aiming at achieving Europass CV, Europass Mobility Document, and ECVET, certificates which will assess the achievements of teachers and school involved. The expected results involving teachers, students and school are :the acquisition of new teaching methods, the improvement of technological and linguistic skills will have a positive effect on students' motivation,especially those at risk of early school leaving and thendecrease the rate of early school leaving; the staying abroad will also be used to set contacts for future partnerships with European schools, and through the platform eTwinning teachers will share educational materials with national and European institutions.

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