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Rīgas 34. vidusskolas pedagoģiskā personāla kompetences pilnveide integrētā priekšmeta un valodas mācīšanas ieviešanai.
Start date: Jun 9, 2016, End date: Jun 8, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Riga Secondary School 34 is a school with a profound teaching of English. The interest in CLIL teaching appeared after the good results in the immersion programme in Primary School, where Science, Maths and Arts were taught in English by the English language teachers. The teachers of maths, science and economics participated in CLIL theoretical courses in the autumn of 2014. In 2014 the voluntary English teaching/learning was organized for subject teachers. In 2014/2015 the integrated programme for teaching science and English for Form 1 students was designed. In 2014/2015 school year the integrated programme for teaching science and English for Form 5 students was piloted. The teachers of English and science took part in designing the programme. However, to ensure quality CLIL lessons, the teachers need the knowledge of CLIL methodology, as well as the English language.In 2015 the teachers of English and content subjects such as maths, science and economics were organized to expand their knowledge in teaching CLIL. The aim of the project is to promote the content and language integrated learning method in school, increase the number of teachers who work with this method and to develop cooperation with the teachers from other European countries. The aim of the project is directed not only to teachers who improve their skills, but will also enable students to develop their English language skills while accumulating their knowledge of the content in English.The objectives of the project are the following:1) to improve teachers' communication skills in English;2) to improve teachers' pronunciation in English;3) to enhance the teachers’ knowledge of the CLIL methodology;4) to increase the ability to design teaching materials for integrated lessons;5) to explore the new teaching ideas and activities for students' motivating;6) to clarify the testing and evaluation of specific characteristics of CLIL contexts;7) to explore the using of educational technology in the CLIL classroom;8) to explore the CLIL experience in European schools;9) to get acquainted with European cultures;10) to collaborate with teachers at the international level;11) to disseminate the project knowledge and experience.6 teachers will participate in the project (3 teachers of English as foreign language, 1 teacher of mathematics, 1 science teacher and 1 teacher of economics). During the project, the teachers will acquire and improve their English language skills, CLIL theory and methodology, get acquainted with the latest techniques and trends in bilingual education. The project will be implemented through different activities as learning English, studying CLIL methodology and deepening the knowledge on the subject. The following stage is participating in mobility activities. The next stage is sharing their experiences with the other teachers of the school.After the mobility activities the following events are planned:- School workshops;- Individual tutorials;- Conferences;- Open demonstration lessons.Designing content and language integrated programmes, which corresponds with the aim of teaching content subjects in Latvia is planned. To share the results of the project, taking part in International and Latvian Conferences is planned during and after the project.
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