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REVIMP — From Review to Improvement in European Vocational Education and Training

The aim of “REVIMP” project is to identify how VET providers can meet the requirements of the Quality model by promoting the succesful execution of the review stage (discussion of the results of quality assessments among and users, detecting causes of under performance, and translating the conclusions into improvement actions). The focus area is Quality Assurance at the level of providers of initial VET for the health care sector.The rapid and numerable changes in this sector in combination with the increased accountability and performance requirements make quality assurance difficult but also very important. For this reason the project proposes: 1) to search for possible critical success factors for the review phase based on already available research on the utilisation of evaluation findings,2) the practices of 30 VET providers in six contries will be analysed based on critical success factors.The aim is to analyse under which conditions the review stage is organised succesfully, and VET providers transform evaluative data into improvement and practice in IVET. On the basis of the data collected, a comparatite analysis will be carried out and a draft set of guidelines for IVET providers for the health care sector for executing the review stage will be drawn up.The fourth stage is to test the draft guidelines on a new group of IVET providers, in terms of relevance, require time, resources and skills. Based on the test results, the final version of the guidelines will be developed, which will be disseminated widely among the various target groups. The project’s outcomes will be used for specific similar guidelines for othet initial VET sectors. (e.g. agriculture, commerce, engineering).

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