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Réussir autrement à Cracovie
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MFR la Saillerie is an establishment of professional block-release training belonging to the network of “Maisons Familiales Rurales” and under contract with the French department of Agriculture. The course trainings offered by the MFR la Saillerie are essentially trainings in the area of people care. Since 2006, the MFR la Saillerie has been involved in a process of European mobility for students welcomed by Polish structures in Cracow. This mobility was possible thanks to the program Leonardo which concerned more than 160 students. Our participation in the program Leonardo permitted us to reinforce the links between the Polish training structures and our training centre. In 2013, the MFR board of directors voted for the MFR la Saillerie to be part of the new European program ERASMUS+2014-2020. Throughout this program, the MFR la Saillerie wishes that its students benefit from a teaching of quality in order to help them in their future social and professional integration. A professional experience abroad should permit to the participants to develop their professional and social competences as well as to discover a new culture in a European country usually not much known by young French people in general. The participants in the program are students in their second year of training in “CAPA qualification for Services in Rural Area”. They form a group of currently 18 students originating from the Maine et Loire department and aged between 16 and 18 years old. All along the two years of their CAPA qualification training, they realize at least 34 weeks of training in companies in structures such as infant schools or reception centres for elderly people. The stay abroad is part of the training plan. This placement will be the occasion for the participants to realize day-to-day tasks in reception centres for children, teenagers or elderly people. Among these tasks we can find the help at mealtime, the maintenance of the living environment or also the conception and application of recreational activities destined for the public welcomed in the structures. This kind of activities is well known among our students because they were used to participate to the same kind of tasks during their professional experience in France. The placement should also permit a cultural and European openness thanks to some previous interventions about Europe and visits organized in the field of which the Memorial of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The responsibility of the project management is borne by at least three persons from the team of the MFR, of whom the director and two teachers. However, all the teaching staff intervening within the class concerned by the mobility project knows pretty well the placement conditions thanks to one or several previous participations as supervisors in the project. As well, every teacher participates in the preparation of the mobility. The stability of the MFR’s teaching staff represents one of its main assets in the perpetuation of this mobility. Another asset is our partnership with the structures that welcome our students for their professional experiences since 2006. What’s more these links keep reinforcing since that time. Finally, our Polish contact in Cracow since 2011, Mrs. Anna Desprez, is a key resource for us. She is the one who is in charge of all the contacts between the local partners and the MFR. We hope this mobility will be the opportunity for every beneficiary to develop his/her professional and personal competences as well as citizen commitment for his/her future life. The MFR la Saillerie, recognized for several years as an establishment oriented towards Poland, wishes to pursue this process of mobility both for future students and for partner organisms in order to recognize and enhance these exchanges of interpersonal skills and knowhow.

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