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RETRAIN —training of retail trainers

This project‘s main objective is to develop a learning model for training vocational instructors in the retail sector (training of retail trainers). The aim is to improved retail employees' skills be providing them with harmonized and high quality training. And by this project the partners’ intention is to tackle the main challenges in vocational education for the retail employees according requirement analyses.The result of this project will be a learning model for training of retail instructors. The model is developed by transferring best practices and adjusted to needs and situations in each participating countries. The main focus of the project is to transfer and adapt an innovative learning models by the name of “Stepping-stones” which is a highly acknowledge learning model and can easily be applied to the retail sector. It consists in eighteen different modules – all based on effective methods of adult learning.The consortium consists in partners from Iceland (lead partner), Ireland (TESCO) and Austria (Best). The partnership in each country is similar; experienced retail VET organization and a large retail chain which will test the educational model in real circumstances.The retail sector has been underprivileged regarding the development of VET in comparison to other traditional industry sectors. This is despite of the high number of employment in the sector which is up to 13% in several EU countries. The employment turnover in this sector is also higher than in most other sectors which is likely to be a consequence of the poor opportunities in vocational education in this industry. Young people who quit the secondary school level often seek employment in retail shops. The expected impact of this project is to give these young people a second opportunity for education and receive acknowledged skill education. Another expected spin-off from this project is to establish a VET model which can be transferred into other service sectors, for instance tourism (which is now the case - we have started similar project for the tourism sector, funded by the Erasmus+ programme)
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4 Partners Participants