European Projects
Reti Ecologiche transfrontaliere Malta-Sicilia (REMASI)
Reti Ecologiche transfrontaliere Malta-Sicilia
Start date: Apr 30, 2011,
End date: Mar 31, 2013
The multidisciplinary approach based on ecological networks forms the basis of this project proposal. The aim is to instigate actions and interventions and to disseminate the knowledge acquired to laypersons, therefore increases the sensibility towards certain areas of ecological importance in Sicily and the Maltese Islands (Sites of Ecological Importance, Palaeontological areas, and sites of Community Interest). These activities will also promote actions towards the better protection and conservation and the promotion of information of these sites. In this respect, these protected areas can create laboratories towards the instigation of new ideas towards future developments in these territories, based on the sustainable use of the natural assets, as well as through community participation. Activities planned for this project include: 1) to study the relationship between ecology and habitat of the sites chosen, with the aim of identifying better management of them; 2) monitoring the avifauna, in particular cross-border species to increase our knowledge and the link with Sicily and Malta; 3) identification and knowledge enhancement on these sites of geological importance (carsic and paleontologic) present on the two archipelagoes; 4) the realisation of nature trails and information points, highlighting the importance of these sites; 5) diffusion and communication on the environmental values.Il progetto si propone, con un approccio multidisciplinare e basato sulla filosofia delle reti ecologiche, di attivare azioni ed interventi integrati per aumentare e diffondere le conoscenze su alcuni siti di Sicilia e Malta (riserve naturali, geositi e Siti di Importanza Comunitaria), per promuovere azioni di sensibilizzazione sulla tutela della biodiversità presso le comunità locali, per realizzare interventi di valorizzazione e promozione della fruizione sostenibile dei Siti. Infatti, le aree naturali protette possono costituire un laboratorio per lattivazione di nuove forme di sviluppo del territorio, basate sulla valorizzazione e sulla fruizione sostenibile delle risorse ambientali, ed attraverso il coinvolgimento delle comunità locali e di molteplici attori. Le attività previste dal progetto sono: 1) analisi delle connessioni ecologico-ambientali dei Siti prescelti, anche al fine di individuare buone pratiche di gestione territoriale; 2) monitoraggio dellavifauna, ed in particolare di alcune specie di interesse transfrontaliero, per lapprofondimento delle conoscenze e lindividuazione dei collegamenti Sicilia-Malta; 3) individuazione, analisi e valorizzazione dei siti di interesse geologico (carsico e paleontologico) presenti nei due arcipelaghi; 4) realizzazione di percorsi integrati e di punti informativi al fine di promuovere una fruizione consapevole e attenta; 5) diffusione e comunicazione delle conoscenze sui valori ambientali. Achievements: The project has activated, through a multidisciplinary approach based on ecological networks, actions and interventions to increase and disseminate knowledge about nature reserves, geo-sites and sites of Community interest in Malta and Sicily. That is aimed at raising awareness in the local communities on the need to protect bio-diversity and implement interventions valorising and promoting the sustainable fruition of the sites. The project has also carried out a study on some extremely interesting cross-border pelagic migrant species (Scopolis shearwater, Calonectris diomedea diomedea, Yelkouan shearwater, Puffi nus yelkouan, and the European storm-petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis) protected by the EU and included in international protection programmes. The local communities were involved in specifi c actions to increase awareness and environmental education, especially in schools and among young people to consolidate the results of the projects activities. The activities were carried out in the nature reserves managed by Legambiente on the island of Lampadusa, at the Macalube di Aragona, and the S. Angelo Muxaro cave. • 6 maps made of the areas involved • 3 voluntary work camps.