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Retail and Business Programme (RBP) in London 2014
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Retail and Business Programme (RBP) in London 2014 is a collaboration between Tietgen Business College and Intuition London and the two participating partners Aalborg Business College and Aarhus Business College. The project has existed for eight years and its target group is business students from the four schools. The target group consists of young people between the ages of 17-20 and are charaterized by coming from homes few ressources and little or no support. The students have low selfesteem and tend not to believe in themselves. Tietgen BC and Intuition London (former HGSI) have collaborated on this project seven times, while the two other colleges have taken part since 2009. This project is one in a number of international projects that these four Danish colleges collaborate about. We also send students to the US, Australia and to a number of European destinations such as Germany and Hungary. During the first two years at Business College it is important to motivate and show the students the possibilities of adding an international dimension to their education. It is also an important element in the VET-declaration. The project aims to meet the following: Enhance the students’ English abilities and give them the confidence to manage in a foreign language and in a foreign culture, and live up to the international qualifications in the VET-declaration. Heighten the students’ mobility including the possibility for two years apprenticeship abroad, possibly supported through PIU. Give the students an invaluable international business experience through internships in London, which will prove very valuable during their apprenticeship’s main program in Denmark. Open the students’ and the colleges’ eyes to other ways of teaching business. The project consists of four weeks of teaching in London in the second year of the two years. Two weeks will consist of classes and two weeks will consist of an apprenticeship in a British company. The project is an integrated part of the students’ business education and the classes in London is carefully planned in relation to the classes in Denmark. Furthermore the project aims to target the apprenticeships so it lives upto the individual student’s wishes; for students who wish to work within retail apprenticeships will be found within retail, for students who wish to work with in office and administration apprenticeships will be found within this area. The classes in London will be implemented by Intuition London. The content is agreed upon by the Danish colleges and consists of classes within the newest information about the British retail industry, business language, marketing, branding, consumer relations and the launching of a Danish product on the British market. The apprenticeship is and continuation of the classes and the student’s interests. The apprenticeships take place in recognized and certified British companies such as House of Fraser, Waitrose and Budgens, among others. Round 1: 37 students (October and November 2014) Round 2: 13 students (November 2015) The goal of the project is to help the students to clarify their further choice of career and to give them a personal as well as professional international upgrade, so their cultural and language capabilities increase. It is the aim to increase their motivation to continue parts of their education in business in international environments. The side effects for the participating colleges are that the international dimension is strengthened which can be used in all other aspects of the colleges. In London the students competences will be evaluated through a final presentation and the students will receive a written evaluation. They will also receive diplomas from HGSI as well as exam papers in Denmark and a Europass. The project has existed for eight years and it has given the partners a valuable insight, which is used in preparation for the next group. Due to the financial crisis in the UK, apprenticeships can be hard to find. Our focus will therefore be on finding apprenticeships. Furthermore we will focus on improving the content according to the studens needs in terms of language skills, vocational training and internships. Optimize our choice of host families Focus on the use of ECVET system
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3 Partners Participants