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Restoring Resilience - Connecting to Nature and Self
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Restoring Resilience – Connecting to Nature and SelfResilience is the ability of an individual, a community or a country to cope, adapt and quickly recover from stress and shocks caused by a disaster, violence or conflict. It reduces vulnerabilities and contributes to build local capacities so that people can cope better with shocks. This ability comes more than handy in our turbulent times. Whatever work programmes or legislative agendas say: the first priority today is and must be addressing the refugee crisis. This is not the time for business as usual. We do not plan to work with refugees: we want to connect with people (local residents) to tap into deeper levels of their humanity and to find meaning in their lives, in dealing with this sensitive topic, individually and collectively right now. Our strong conviction is that nature provides the fastest way to access our humanity, providing inspiration for sustainable and meaningful solutions that are taking into consideration the whole ecosystem.Also we would like to address the development of people’s digital skills in this project. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) shows that Croatia, Italy and Hungary (the three partner countries) score all three below the EU average.The project has four objectives:-build resilience to the crises that affect European Union now. - experience nature as a guide.- to create meaning, individually and collectively, opening yourself to the meaning of your life now, in the present moment, and to your human purpose, and collectively discover a shared meaning, getting inspiration from nature.- to help raise the awareness of self (self-awareness) tapping into the deeper levels of our humanity.Our target group are men and women already with an established existency but full with fear and questions, as well as all those people who work with them as trainers and councellors.The main implementive task of the project is to develop the Intellectual Outputs: a reference frame, a MOOC frame and MOOC contents about re-connecting to nature and self in order to increase resilience in times of crisis. The development of the outputs will be through local (home-based) work as well as discussions in transnational meetings. The MOOC will be blended with an in-nature class for personal betterment.After development of the MOOC, these learners will be recruited to participate in pilot MOOC (about 5 per country), out of them 4 will participate in the connecting in-nature course in Calabria. Their evaluation and findings will be used to be built into the MOOC, after which it will be finalized, and exploited.Main writings and all video subtitles will be translated to all national languages.During all activities the monitoring, evaluation and dissemination activities will be organized, as well as two multiplication events per country: there will be a stakeholder meeting and a practice resource dissemination workshop in all of the three partner countries: Hungary, Italy and Croatia. With all the project activities we plan to reach more than 100 people directly, and about 600 people indirectly.The three partners are Rogers Foundation, Aura Association and Isoropia: a foundation, an association and a small entreprise, all working in the area of development and betterment of people and organizations.

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