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Restoration of proper hydrological conditions in Amalva and Kamanos bogs (WETLIFE 2)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The Kamanos and Amalva mires in Lithuania provide habitats for a significant number of threatened and rare species. Important habitats found within the two mires include active raised bog, bog woodland and fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods. Both sites are protected as parts of sites of Community importance (SCIs) under the European Habitats Directive and special protection areas (SPAs) under the European Birds Directive. However, both sites have been heavily drained for forestry and agricultural uses since the 19th century. Altered hydrology has resulted in the weakening or total loss of important peatland ecosystem functions in different locations across the sites. This deterioration has had a negative impact on climate, water quality and biodiversity. Objectives The WETLIFE 2 project aims to restore important habitats within the Amalva and Kamanos wetlands in Lithuania. Its primary approach for rehabilitating the targeted habitats will be the restoration of proper hydrological conditions. This hopes to benefit rare and endangered species as well as securing the provision of ecosystem services provided by the mire habitats. The project will implement direct restoration activities to restore the hydrology of targeted areas of bog habitat, principally by blocking drainage ditches. It will intervene to improve the quality of degraded bog and to raise water levels in previously reclaimed land to restore wetland habitats. It will also re-establish fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods. The project aims to restore the conditions for the natural regeneration of features typical of active raised bogs. To further support this aim, the project will work to develop more sustainable agricultural practices in the areas surrounding the core area of Amalva wetland. It aims to agree and sign land management contracts with farmers of surrounding land to facilitate significant expansion of the bog habitats. Finally, the project will raise awareness among local stakeholders on the importance of peatland ecosystem services and their intrinsic and economic value to improve public co-operation and support for the aims of the project. Expected results: Blocking of drainage ditches affecting 670 ha of mire habitats at Kamanos; Direct restoration of 260 ha of degraded raised bog habitat; Rehabilitation of 210 ha of open bog habitats in Amalva wetland; Restoration of wetland in 40 ha of lag zone; Re-establishment of fennoscandian deciduous swamp woods habitats in at least 90 ha of restored lag zone of Amalva bog; Long-term regeneration of active raised bog and bog woodland habitats over 700 ha; More sustainable management practices for over 30 ha of Amalva peatlands surrounding the core bog zone; and An increase of the bog area by 50% in five years thanks to land management contracts.
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