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Restoration and conservation of sloping and transition mires in low mountain range Hunsrück (area Hochwald) (LIFE Hochwald)
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The wooded landscape of the Hunsrück low mountain range in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate hosts the severely endangered habitat type ‘Transition mires and quaking bogs’, as well as the priority habitat type ‘Bog woodland’. These key habitats are affected by various disturbances, such as afforestation with non-native tree species and drainage. Other habitat types of European interest, such as ‘Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils’ and ‘Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests’ are degraded and in need of restoration. In addition, the degraded alluvium along the Thranenbach brook requires revitalisation, while conservation actions are also needed in alluvial forests. Objectives The main objective of the LIFE Hochwald project is the regeneration and protection of transition mires and bog woodlands inside the Natura 2000 site Hochwald in the Hunsrück low mountain range. Additionally, the project seeks to restore ‘Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests’ in the adjacent areas on drier ground, and to develop the priority habitat type ‘Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior’ along Thranenbach brook inside the Natura 2000 area Obere Nahe. The project also aims to initiate and develop the endangered habitat type ‘Molinia meadows’. Expected results: General improvement of the conservation status of the targeted habitat types in the long term; Up to 130 ha of non-native forests or woodlands removed in mires, bog forests and adjacent areas; About 140 ditch blockings constructed; Extensive re-wetting measures implemented that improve the hydrological status of peatlands on around 59 ha; Deconstruction of 4 000 m of roads; Coniferous forest stands removed in the valley of the Thranenbach, leading to the restoration of natural alluvium over 17 ha; About 7 ha of transition mires, 52 ha of bog woodland, 69 ha of Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests, 7 ha of broad-leaved alluvial forests and 2 ha of Molinia meadows developed, initiated or regenerated; Enhanced habitat conditions for the characteristic species of these habitats; and Information campaigns leading to a better public awareness of the value of the targeted habitats and of the species they support.
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