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Restoration and conservation of Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior in the Kaszo area (KASZO-LIFE)
Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The basic threat to the project area, the Natura 2000 network sites of the West-Inner-Somogy natural micro region (south-west Hungary), is a decrease in groundwater levels caused by diminishing total annual rainfall; the earlier demolition of natural water-retaining landforms; and forced drainage of land as a flood prevention measure. With the drying out of the area, favourable conditions have been created for invasive alien species (IAS) to spread rapidly within the Natura 2000 network protected areas, to the detriment of native species, e.g., there are areas infected by the invasive non-native cockchafer beetle (Melolontha melolontha), which poses a specific threat to the renewal of targeted natural forest habitats because the beetle gnaws at the thin root-branches of young plantations, causing them to die-off. Objectives The project’s overall objectives are to manage the targeted Natura 2000 sites in south-west Hungary and to restore degraded natural habitats. Specific objectives are to improve the water supply of the forests, smaller swamps and grasslands of Szentai Forest area (a Natura 2000 network site), as well as retaining precipitation in the area, thus stabilising a favourable ecological state. The aim here is to retain available water-quantities and to increase the level of underground water by 10-20 cm – which would result in favourable ecological impacts for existing swamps and woodland habitats. The project also plans to replace depleted woodland stocks. Monitoring of the impacts of these actions will take place. Another important objective is to disseminate the long-term results and present best practices applied during the project to other Natura 2000 site managers through seminars and media work. The project also aims to communicate positive messages about Natura 2000 network sites and the LIFE programme to the general public. Expected results: The various project actions will be carried out over a total area of more than 2 100 ha. The expected results include: Stabilising the water supply of swamps and narrow forests along watercourses - making self-maintenance and conservation of wet habitats easier; Suppression of IAS – aided by a more frequent water supply for native habitats; An increase of the water level on the entire project area (2 100 ha); Reducing the damage caused by the cockchafer beetle; Creation of a 147 cm deep reservoir in the Bükk forest (0.86 ha) that provides water during the dry season; Development of two additional lakes, as result of the enlargement of Lake Kűvölgy – this should provide another possibility for water retention on a total surface area of over 7 ha; Maintenance and conservation of existing watercourses and lakes; Construction of a gutter at Lake Baláta, in order to retain water, and building of riverbed ribs at Taranyi-Rinya to aid water retention. (These actions will be carried out over a total length of 26.5 km); Dredging of mud from the existing two lakes of Kűvölgy; Rebuilding of service roads (6 km); Establishment of 14 plots of 100-100 sample European alder (Alnus glutinosa) trees for monitoring; and Creation of a 960 m-long educational trail.
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