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Restoranų ir viešbučių darbuotojų praktinių gebėjimų ir darbo tarptautinėje komandoje įgūdžių tobulinimas
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus + KA1 Vocational Education and Training- learner and staff mobility project 'Development of Restaurant and Hotel Workers' Practical Skills and Working in International Team Abilities' is intended to improve students‘ qualifying as cooks, bakers, waiters- bartenders and hotel workers professional competences. Promoter- Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School. Receiving partners- hotel Pietrenere (Italy), Docklands Academy (the United Kingdom), Slagteriskolen (Danemark) ir CEFPPA (France). The main goal is to improve students‘- future cooks‘, bakers‘, waiters- bartenders‘ and hotel workers‘ professional competences, to increase their competitiveness and integration into Lithuanian and EU labor market. To fulfill this goal, 34 project beneficiaries will have 4 weeks placements in Italy, the United Kingdom, France and 5 weeks placement in Denmark which are rich in various products, have old traditions in culinary, pastry, restaurant service, hospitality, wine traditions and are claimed being top gastronomy and hospitality countries. During the placement participants will improve their professional and social skills while working in an international team in the kitchen, restaurant, bar, hotel, gain new practical skills in cooking, decorating and serving dishes, will be able to use various products, which are rare in Lithuania, will learn wine tasting and serving, will work with the latest kitchen, restaurant, bar, hotel equipment, will have the opportunity to work in different kitchen, restaurant, hotel, bar areas, improve their professional foreign language skills, broaden their socio-cultural horizons, will receive Europass mobility documents. The implementation of this project will allow the participants to gain more confidence in their professional and personal skills, increase motivation to achieve professional excellence, to increase opportunities for better integration into the labor market in Lithuania and the EU. Methodological material containing project beneficiaries’ experience, features of cooking, restaurant service, hospitality will be prepared based on the students’ experience methodological material will be prepared. In Vilnius Tourism and Commerce School there will be a seminar aimed at teachers and students of other schools where students will present a host partners kitchen, restaurant and hotel work characteristics and teach how to prepare one traditional dish of every receiving country. There will be the final project dissemination event for the school community, other schools pupils and teachers, social partners and project participants. Project Period: 2014-07-01 to 2015-06-30.
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4 Partners Participants