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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The present context situates teenagers as the top consumers of mobile telephones and the Internet and surveys sometimes show that they pay for outrageous or even useless services that increase their telephone bills unnecessarily. Besides, they are also pointed out as the main victims of such a common problem like cyberbullying. Therefore, our project, which arises from this social context, has as its main goal to promote research and a critical analysis of the need of having responsible and sustainable technology usage habits. The competences we would like to develop are: autonomy competence, so that our students learn to improve the management of these devices; technological competence, which will help them to use new technologies as a tool in the school and the labour market; competence in the interaction with the physical world, since they have to learn about the ecological impact of the materials used for the manufacturing of mobile phones and, finally, competence in linguistic communication which stems from the interaction with the other European partners. The direct participants in each school (Germany, Sweden and Spain) will be aproximately 60 students aged 16-18 per year. These three countries are working currently in two Etwinning projects which have been the start of this collaboration. Moreover, there are other participants which will benefit indirectly from the project such as the rest of the school community (students, teachers, parents), local and regional entities as well as any mobile phone subscriber that wants to check the results of our researches in the webpage of the project. The activities will be done in different stages, to begin we have planned activities for the participants to know each other and the creation of the webpage/blog of the project. Then, we will focus first on the analysis of our students' use of their mobile phones and other gadgets; second, on the analysis of the telephone companies and the study of the telephone deals in each country and, third, on the analysis of their phone bills. Finally, during the first year students will learn about the ecological impact of the materials used for the manufacturing of mobile phones. The second year focuses more on the problems of cyberbullying and how it affects the teenagers in these three countries. Besides, we will work with Europass platform so that students can create their language passport and their CV. For the organization of these activities and other topics related to the project, there will be a transnational mobility in September in the coordinator's country, Spain, that two teachers of each school will attend and where the final work plan will be decided. Moreover, there will be three short term exchanges of groups of pupils every year. These exchanges contribute directly to the attainment of the objectives of the project. The methodology will be active and participative and it will foster the collaborative work throught different activities such as data collection, data sharing, analysis, assessment and elaboration of surveys. A practical methodology will be also used in some activities like in the creation of an app. The outputs of the different activities are mainly written tasks (personal descriptions, informative dossiers, brochures, notice board, etc.), digital tasks (posters, charts, short films, web, blog, app, QR codes and Europass), and tasks which aim at improving the basic competences and strengthen their European identity. Regarding the outputs related to the monitoring and evaluation of the project, several surveys will be created as well as the middle and final report form. Finally, a personal and professional development is expected in the teachers who participate. All these results will be disseminated through different channels to reach both direct and indirect participants. We will use mainly the webpage of the project, the app that students will create, the webpage of the schools, local media, brochures, informative dossiers as well as meetings with teachers from the same department, teacher staff and/or parents. The expected impact on the participants will be very positive since, on the one hand, the pupils will acquire knowledge/competences related to the project on a short/medium term but they will also learn to understand how diversity may enrich their lives and also will acquire a European citizenship awareness. The motivation of participating teachers will also mean a revitalization of the schools in the medium/long-term. Finally, with this project, the pupils will benefit from the acquisition of some tools which will help them in the long term for obtaining work and for participating more actively in the society.
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