European Projects
Respond to your NEETs!
Respond to your NEETs!
Start date: Jan 4, 2016,
End date: Jul 3, 2016
Youth unemployment is a major issue in the EU, tackling the negative results of it more effectively has become an important benchmark of the Europe 2020 Strategy. At European level, the percentage of NEET young people is 12,4% (Eurostat). Many have no more than a lower secondary education and are early leavers from education and training. Furthermore, many are migrants or come from a disadvantaged background. (COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 22 April 2013 on establishing a Youth Guarantee) Being long-time unemployed and out of school can cause low motivation for search for a job, economic and social disadvantages, exclusion and marginalization. We suggest that the civil sector and young people themselves must take part in the policy making and implementation to make the national and international implementations of those policies more successful. Calling on the partners from EU countries, consulting with them about the phenomena of NEET and about the implementation of youth policies tackling youth unemployment, it become clear to us that the challenge and the responsibility is not only ours, but we have to unite all international actors to analyze, discuss, develop and promote measures to improve the situation. As suggested by the European Commission, “greater cooperation between stakeholders is effective without requiring large budget”. (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG)RESPOND TO YOUR NEETS! is an Erasmus+ KA1 training course, which aims to reach the following objectives:Following ‘The overall objectives of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018)’ the project’s general objectives are 1) fostering the upholding of the right of young people to participate in the development and implementation of policies affecting them by means of a continuous structured dialogue with young people and youth organisations and 2) contributing to reduce the percentage of NEET youth at European level.For reaching this general objective, we set the following specific objectives:- Professionalization and competence development of youth workers, supporting the acquisition of skills through non-formal and informal educational activities- Encouraging and supporting the involvement and participation of young people and youth organisations in policy making, implementation and follow-up- Fostering quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between organisations in the youth field and other stakeholdersThe participating countries are: Hungary, Portugal, Greece, Lithuania, Estonia, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Austria. The project will involve 27 unemployed youth workers, ex-NEET youth workers who overcome unemployment or re-entered education, promoters of youth policies, representatives of youth umbrella organisations and unions etc. The mobility activity, the training course will take place in Debrecen, Hungary between the 7th and 12th of March 2016. The non-formal and informal learning methods used will be: energizers, name games, team building activities, simulations, graphic facilitation, audiovisual presentations, story-telling, cineforum, interviews, cultural activities and the conference. Prior to it, the participants will receive the task to do a little research on youth unemployment and youth policies in their country: they will be asked to prepare presentations on the situation and to conduct interviews with local NEET youth - to find positive and negative examples. Expected results and impact of the project -Professional and personal development of youth workers -Enlarged network and strengthened cooperation between the participating organisations -Contribution to the reduction of the number of NEET youth -Increased involvement and participation of young people and youth organizations in policy making, implementation and follow-up -Developed mechanisms for dialogue with youth and youth participation on national youth policies -Fostering peer learning and the exchange of good practice, including the dissemination of outcomes Longer term impact of the project will be the increased participation of young people in youth policy making, they will be encouraged to make their voice heard by decision- and policy makers. By this they will contribute to reducing of the number of NEET youth. The project will also contribute to the stronger cooperation between countries and their citizens, especially implementing measures tackling youth unemployment.