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Researchers' Night in Montenegro (MONTENIGHT)
Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Oct 31, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Evidence of the gap between researchers and the public in Montenegro are numerous. Even the top Montenegrin researchers are not present in public life in a structured way nor recognised by wider public so that they could be identified as role models for young people. With the process of integration of Montenegro to the EU, research career opportunities are becoming more diverse and attractive, which is a reality still not knownenough in the wider public. Consequences of this situation are many, such as lacking number of high quality students entering the faculties of technical and natural sciences and mathematics, brain drain of best students and researchers, poor public recognition of research careers, etc.With Researchers’ Night in Montenegro, we want to draw significant public attention to the research community in our country. It will be obtained by organising the first festival of science in Montenegro, a varied but well directed and visually appealing event where the public will have the opportunity to socialize with researchers, try some fun experiments, hear how science is responding to some of the biggest challenges of today’s world, what is Europe offering to researchers and many other.The event will take place in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, on September 25, in a connected area of Ribnica river bank, in the central part of the town."

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