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Research cooperation to prepare cross-border patient database and establishment of first Liquor and Genetic banks in Vojvodina in order to improve Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis (MultScler)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system and has to be highly investigated because of its increasing incidence. Especially young adults are affected by the disease which is now incurable. The Hungarian and the Serbian partner are going to help in having more information about the genetic background of the disease. Finding the proper biomarker could help in characterisation or having the prognosis about the effects of MS in the future. Liquor and genetic banks with proper certifications can be the basis of further genetic researches in field of MS investigation. As a result of this cooperation the existing liquor and genetic bank of Neurology Departments, the University of Szeged can be developed and the same institute working on the area of the General Hospital of Subotica could be established with all needed documentation to get a certificate.On the basis of its experience, the Hungarian partner can give the support in this establishment. As a result of cooperation a new bank, scientific research results, validated questionare, articles and meetings will be achieved, furthermore a well functioned and active cooperation could be better between the experts in the cross border area. As a long term benefit of the research activity in order to discover the genetic background of the disease it is very important to conduct MS researches because this could help in the predictability and finding of the most effective target-therapy of MS in the future. Achievements: Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system and has to be rigorously investigated because of increasing occurrence of the disease. Young adults in particular are affected by the disease which is currently incurable. The aim of the Hungarian and the Serbian partners was to aid the provision of more information about the genetic background of the disease. Finding the proper biomarker could help provide characterisation or prognosis with respect to the effects of multiple sclerosis in the future. Liquor and genetic banks with proper certifications can serve as a basis for further genetic, investigative research.The cross-border team of scientists conducted very effective work, which, in addition to scientific research, included member training and project meetings. They purchased the necessary equipment, established and improved liquor and genetic laboratories on both sides of the border. The scientists continually developed the multiple sclerosis biobank by collecting 500-500 blood samples from patients and from the not-affected population in the border region. The scientists published several studies from the research results, thus familiarising the general public with this illness. The partners were also able to create new jobs for young doctors and biologists, and succeeded in improving the quality of medical care in the border region. The most important outcomes of the cooperation were significant research results, a validated questionnaire, published peer-reviewed articles and last, but not least, the establishment of active cross-border research cooperation between the scientists of the two institutions.
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  • 85%   295 630,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants