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Requalification of Employment And Diversification for Youth in the Mediterranean Fisheries sector (R.E.A.D.Y. MED. FISH.)
Start date: Nov 13, 2013, End date: Nov 12, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project in brief Fishing economy still plays an important socioeconomic role for the whole Mediterranean region, although the fishery sector is experiencing a period of severe crisis due to the increase in production costs (fuel for instance) and the reduction in fishing stocks. This condition is causing increasing occupational migration with an estimated decrease in the number of fishermen by 4-5% per year. To stop this trend, employment opportunities can no longer be limited to fishery activities in the strict sense of the term, but have to be part of a far-reaching diversification and reconversion system of the fishery sector through starting up multifunctional activities like fishing tourism, ichthyo-tourism, management of environmental services by fishermen and alternative forms of valorisation of the sector also in tourism and socio-educational activities. In this context, R.E.A.D.Y. MED. FISH. project aims at enhancing the professionalization of young fishery operators for boosting private entrepreneurship in the framework of the fishery sector multi-functionality. Specific objective To enhance the professionalization of young fishery operators and to train the officers of public administrations and fishery associations in order to boost the private entrepreneurship and the normative improvement in the framework of the fishery sector multi-functionality Expected Results: • New professional profiles and business opportunities defined for the diversification of fishermen income • Enhanced professional and entrepreneurial skills of 80 young fishery operators • Capacities of 40 operators of public administration and fishery associations reinforced in order to support the start-up of new businesses by young fishermen • Support services delivered to fishermen through the creation of information and assistance desks • Number of young fishermen carrying out complementary activities for income diversification increased by 15% in thecommunities involved • Reduced impact of commercial fishery on marine ecosystems

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  • 6517.7%   99 999 999,99
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants