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Renforcement des compétences infirmières dans la dimension internationale
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is implemented by the Nursing ITEHO Jeanne d?Arc. It involves 17 students of the 3rd year (21 years old) and 8 teachers from the hospital section in a complementary secondary vocational education (3 years after a technical upper secondary education, vocational or general ) . This mobility is an important feature to improve the education and training : it will give a European dimension to training, it will reinforce the learning skills already developed with our students , it will contribute to the development of personal skills ( entrepreneurship , initiatives , self-esteem, knowledge of languages, cultures openings , ... ), it will strengthen the social and active participation in society capital , it will enhance the cooperation between the partners and our institution. For the staff it will improve skills in their field of education , it will contribute to practical exchanges for courses and internships , it will be based on personal motivation and satisfaction with quality of education, it will create links between the world of education, educational and professional world of golf , it will improve language skills , it will strengthen the expertise of teachers , it will develop evaluation methods based on learning outcomes , it will develop cross-sectoral cooperation between education and hospitals. Our students have internships quite limited in geography level, they encounter an essentially regional, local population with its own culture and common pathologies. Some professionals in the field are also graduates of our institute. It is important that our students, future nurses and our teachers can become aware of the socio- economic, political and cultural context of Europe and live these realities for a few weeks during an internship and a professional training. This experience placement will result in certification of skills acquired, and thus a recognition of training abroad and for teachers to gain . Coaching is practiced quite differently in other countries . Mobility will also broaden the choice of future career field. It also provides, on one hand, to understand better the European medical landscape and on the other hand the different structures of the European organization and methods of operation. The sharing of best practices based on the specific nursing care to non- known pathologies and approaches of different care according to the conceptual model in Belgium is a specific objective. The choice of partners is qualitative , in terms of available expertise , diverse ( different countries) and the role of the latter is clear and complementary . Criteria and selection procedures are clear and appropriate to the project. The work program is subject to prior consultation , the content is suitable for this type of practice and training . Tutoring, monitoring, and supervision are organized in terms of quality. This mobility enters the validation of training hours to be provided by the Ministerial Decree ( 3/24/1995 ) to graduate nurse hospital . The impact of the project is lasting at all levels: individual, institutional and systemic . It is a European added value with more synergy between formal learning , informal and non-formal : impact on participants and the body during and after the implementation of the project , the development of short-term vocational qualification type unknown abroad. As for the dissemination and exploitation of results: we put in place tools via social networks, we organize events , information sessions , presentations to provide more and more involved project partners cross-sectoral and create closer ties with the hospital and non-hospital , politicians. In the long term we hope to bring a complementarity between formal, nonformal and informal learning and to develop partnerships between the world of education and the world of work .

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6 Partners Participants