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Rencontres et Apprentissages Professionnels sur des Enjeux Urbains et Ruraux en Situation
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context & objectives : After 3 Leonardo da Vinci student mobility to broaden ones mind as well as to fight against school failure, the training periods in the EU are part of the motivation of our BTEC Nat students. Our issues have evolved towards giving a vocational focus to studies and employability always keeping in mind our European membership. The evolution of our partnership between the different schools makes us integrate stakes such as rural development, urban services development and this is certainly the most innovative element of our Erasmus+ project. It is thanks to meeting professionals in Europe that these objectives was achieved (ranging from students to the professionals). Thats why our project is named: “Professional Meetings and Trainings on Practical Urban and Rural Issues”. Partners: Out of 5 schools representing 6 high schools depending on 2 different departments (the department of Agriculture and of National Education) we hoped 320 applicants, among them 284 students, 24 people coaching them, and 15 professionals from the school staff for an internship in Europe. We obtained only 137 mobilities (114 sutdents, 11 people coaching, 12 professionnals). And we realised more mobilities with the same finding: 143 mobilities (118 students, 12 coaching pepole, 13 teachers). Activities during the 4-semester-program: collective employment from pupils of a same class in different partners in Europe, among individual employment for teachers having applied for it. The diversity of the situations and the tasks have been adequate to the BTEC Nat level proposing manual work, observation, technical knowledge, learning and analysis are the keys to make pupils good professionals, with free time is an opportunity to discover a new culture. Evaluations are organised when students return. As more of them are oral, it allows students meeting themselves to present and exchange on their mobilities. Methodology: we obtained 77 training partnerships in UE (55 were agreeed at the begening of this project). 3 of the 6 hight school (asking less) made a new choise, and stopped to prepare mobilities. With only 3 schools in this reduced partneship, it was more easy to order how to share and assess the period of preparation before taking the stock of situation. The contact person who had a reduction in teaching load was helped during two semesters by a part-time secretary for the following of the financial files as well as the technical support (who is common for 2 out of the 3 high schools) and by the person in charge of the mission at the SRDF. Impact & results: 1) For the people who take advantage of the work experience it was the occasion to acquire professional and technical skills as well as to improve their adaptability and employability. Moreover it was a way to be aware of the European citizenship in deepening cultural a language knowledge. One of the hight schools wrote his own Erasmus+ EFP project in 2016. 2) For the partners it was an opportunity to make the trainings evolve and to tighten the existing links as well as create a new dynamic. Final goal: It was a way todevelop an encourage mobility in the EU leading to an important international cooperation projects with our Hungarian partner.

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5 Partners Participants