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RemoteLab - A common teaching resource for European schools
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REMOTE LAB – A short description of the project This project is about establishing and using complex IT training environments via the internet. The users of these IT training environments will be enabled to access and to use IT equipment which quite often can’t be afforded by a single school because of the high costs for acquisition and maintenance. Working together and sharing resources will enable more schools and their students to benefit from modern IT training environments. A priority will be to create and offer training materials for networks, network security, virtualization, operating systems and data banks. The aim is to offer free and easily accessible modern training materials to teachers and students with a strong focus on giving students the possibility to apply their knowledge and improve their skills by doing practical exercises. A further objective of the project is to create awareness for possible perspectives for young IT experts on the European job market and to encourage entrepreneurship. Students will get to know companies offering jobs in their IT departments or data processing service centres, they will also get to know entrepreneurs who run their own IT company. The administration of the IT training environment (e.g. reservation, providing resources, accountancy) and the user administration will be realised by using both the open source e-learning management system Ilias and software developed during the project. This learning management system will also be used in order to provide learning environments, training units and assessment tests. The software required in order to perform these tasks, the learning environments and the practical training units will be developed during the project together with the students who are involved. For all the relevant topics training units on various levels will be created. These levels should be matched with the levels of the European Competence Framework (ECF). Five schools from different countries – all of them providing vocational training in ICT - will participate in the project and work together. During the project there will be one transnational meeting with teachers and students at each of the participating schools where we will work on the different tasks of the project. Furthermore, there will be three meetings for teachers only at the beginning and at the end of the project – the first one in order to plan how to proceed and decide about evaluation etc., a mid-term meeting for monitoring the projects progress, elaborating further activities, assessment and evaluation, practical organisation of further meetings with students etc., and the last one for a retrospective, plans for dissemination and measures to ensure the sustainability of the project and its results, and also to decide how to organise further collaboration. The potential longer term benefits will be a valuable working ITC training environment available to further generations of students and teachers and also external users. Students will benefit from the high quality training, and especially the students involved in the project will also benefit from their enhanced entrpreneurial awareness and intercultural competence when looking for a job on the European job market.
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