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Religions for Europe. The Confessional Factor in the European Integration: History, Culture and Identity
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The module Religions for Europe (R4EU) will consider the role of the religious confessions in the process of European unification from the origin of the idea of Europe as a concept to the most recent developments related thereto. The course objective will be to retrace, from a historical, cultural, social and political point of view, the development of the idea of European identity through religious thought and perspective without ignoring the contributions of the various confessional families to European culture; the construction of a "common European house"; and the process of European unification. R4EU will fall under the framework of the Department of Culture, Politics and Society (CPS) of the University of Turin (UNITO), enhancing the educational choice available to students while at the same time adding an original research and teaching perspective. Because of its interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral nature, R4EU will present an innovative opportunity and will be aimed at students from other disciplines as well as those in the CPS. In addition to research and instruction, R4EU will have as its objective the encouragement of the debate on the relationship between religions and the EU (yesterday-today-tomorrow), broadening the pool of participants and involving a greater number of collaborators, including from the world of research, think tanks, institutions (secular and religious), and grass roots organizations in University activities. To that end R4EU will be structured in a series of 1) taught Master's course (TMC) designed for CPS students; 2) multi-disciplinary Intensive course (MIC); and 3) collateral activities: thematic conferences (TC) and roundtables (RT), which will be oriented toward the production of research and teaching materials. R4EU will also aim to create a network of diverse individuals on these issues in order to favor systematic reflection, intellectual stimulation, and information dissemination also in collaboration with the mass media.
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