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Rehabilitation of the infrastructure of county road 504
Start date: Jun 29, 2011, End date: Dec 28, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Improvement of transport infrastructure in the frontier region Specific objectives: The specific objective of the project is: The improvement of the physic and institutional infrastructure in connection with the transport services in the border area to facilitate the accessibility to borders and the cross border traffic of goods and persons. Improvement of road traffic conditions at cross-border area through repair and reconstruction of Road PVN 1026. Improvement of road traffic conditions at cross-border area through repair and reconstruction of Road PVN 1026. Improvement of the access to the crossing points on the Danube at Oriahovo - Beket and Nikopol – Turno Magurele through repair of Road PVN 1020. Tourism development on the both sides of the c (Gulyantsi and Dolna Mitropoliya Municipality, Pleven District in Bulgaria and Teleorman County in Romania). Social and economical development of the cross-border region. Achievements: The project Rehabilitation of the infrastructure of county road 504 Cernetu(DJ 506) – Alexandria(E 70), 42+060 km – 53+834 km, repair and reconstruction Road PVN 1026, Zagrazhden-port Zagrazhden and repair municipal road ІV 11042(PVN 1020), Iskar- Slavovitsa, Pleven district, MIS-ETC code 119, with a total eligible value of 7,676,000 euro, renovated 12 km of county road, in Teleorman County, on the Romanian territory. Also, 4 km of municipal road were rehabilitated in Guliantzi and Dolna Mitropoliya, Pleven district, Bulgaria.
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  • 84.5%   6 483 494,37
  • 2007 - 2013 Romania - Bulgaria (RO-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants