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Regionalne strefy ekonomiczne szansą na zatrudnienie złotoryjskich absolwentów
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is planned to engage 32 students of Zespół Szkół Zawodowych in Złotoryja into the project. Five different groups of students are going to be anticipated, and all of them are going to be the technical college students (Secondary Technical School of Construction, Secondary Technical School of IT, Secondary Technical School of Logistics, Secondary Technical School of Economics, and Secondary Technical School of Mechanical Engineering).There are plans to recruit students over 17, form 2nd and 3rd grades of Secondary Technical Schools mentioned above.The Project is going to be executed within two years. During that time two trainings in Mallow (Ireland) are going to be held.- First group: the Secondary students of IT, Logistics, and Economics – 16 people,- Second group: the Secondary students of Mechanical Engineering, Construction, and Economics – 16 people.Among chosen students there will be talented, active, and creative students; therefore, high quality of training, modern technologies of construction manufacturing, logistics management, economy, mechanic and IT industries should be provided.YOU International Training is going to be the host organization with the headquarter in Mallow(South of Ireland) .The aim of the Project is to enable young people to acquire the knowledge and work experience. Taking part in that internship should improve the personal skills and competences of the students in order to make them more attractive for the future employers. Moreover, every participant should learn how to work in a team to achieve a common goal. All of the aims can be fulfilled thanks to the participation in the project and cooperation with local entrepreneurs who have clearly defined the skills and competences that a future employee of their companies should acquire. Paying special attention to fast growing LSSE (The Legnica Special Economic Zone ) we are going to work out the agenda of the project and select the appropriate participants. The participants of foreign internship are going to gain the opportunity to improve their language communication skills. The knowledge of foreign language play an essential role for the local entrepreneurs, because of their expansion and collaboration with the companies from Western Europe, especially with German companies. That is why the students learn German at an advanced level. They may freely express their thoughts and opinions within the group of co-workers, which might be the participants’ biggest asset.When participating in this project, students have the opportunity to compare the working conditions in Poland and Ireland. Furthermore, the counselors’ task is to familiarize with the practical education offered by Irish employers and share experience with their foreign colleagues. Both the students and the counselors’ aim is to learn how different the teaching methods of vocational training in European Union are, to gain the knowledge and new experience. Last but not least, language training considering professional vocabulary is of great value.The project is of great importance for its participants, our school, as well as employers. During the whole project student will be able to learn their future profession in practice according to European standards. Moreover, they are going to improve their knowledge, professional and language skills, and all these considering European standards. Cooperation with foreign co-workers and their clients would teach our students creativity, mobility and discipline. Such experience is also a great opportunity to be employed not only in LSSE (The Legnica Special Economic Zone) but also in other European countries. Finally, entrepreneurs would acquire trained and qualified employees of the highest European standards.

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