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Regional Strategies for Disaster Prevention (CivPro)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the last few years, Europe's forest fires, floods and droughts and man-made disasters have become fiercer and more intense. Some partners in the CivPro project have their own sometimes tragic experiences and some of them have such a high risk profile that risk prevention is on the top of their political agenda. Disasters have quite often a devastating effect on people's lives, their livelihood, the economy and the environment. This has led to a further strengthening of European civil protection legislation. EU and national/regional instruments dealing with Civil Protection have shown that they are often fragmented and sectoral, targeting specific risks and strongly focussed on response and recovery measures. To date in many regions in Europe no comprehensive approach to disaster PREVENTION exists. Also at EU and Member States level there is a call for more action and efforts to prevent disasters and a stronger involvement of the regional level.All regions in CivPro are of the opinion that it is well to invest and to keep investing in response, but this has to be coupled with a similar reinforcement in prevention. The main objective of CivPro is to exchange and share know-how on the development of regional policies and on a strategic approach and model to prevent and reduce any potential threat and damage inflicted on people, property, environment and society as a hole by accidents and disasters, including both natural and manmade disasters. The project is focussed on developing improved governance models to introduce cross-cutting thinking and approaches into disaster prevention in order to establish comprehensive regional policy approaches in terms of structures, organisation. The second target is toimprove instruments and establish modalities to strengthen the link between crisis management and disaster prevention. Experiences with risk mapping; early warning systems; risk screening models, awareness raising policies and specific experience from disaster events will be exchanged. This also points to the inevitable need to integrate prevention concerns better into spatial planning. Civpro also aims at providing an input for (content-wise and linked to future funding) an EU Knowledge and Training Center on Civil Protection and Prevention. The project results in overall policy recommendations and in tailor made local/regional Disaster Prevention Policy Plans developed on the basis of a pre-defined model tested at regional level. A881 Achievements: CIVPRO started in May 2010, in Athens. The main objective of the project is to exchange and share the knowhow on the development of regional policies and on a strategic approach and model to prevent and reduce any potential threat and damage for people, property, environment and society, by accident and disasters (natural or/and manmade). Until now CIVPRO has organized 3 Interregional Conf. in Athens/Greece, in Miskolc/Hungary and in Wroclaw/Poland addressed to local and regional stakeholder, trying to raise the awareness at all policy levels. The 1st Brussels Lunch (Sept 2011) and the 2nd one (June 2012) was also conducted in Brussels/Belgium. The 1st IC (Nov 2010) had an introductory character and took place in Athens, where the participants had the opportunity to follow the unique Session of “The Political and Strategic Level Debates the National Policies on Disaster Prevention” and to exchange opinions with the honorable invited speakers from Greek ministries, DG ECHO and FEMA USA). In June 2011 the 2nd IC took place and new horizons opened up for CIVPRO during this Conf., which began with a vocational day where the participants reconciled the questions of establishment of the policy of regional disaster management strategy. The 1st Brussels Lunch took place in October by the LP.During the 1st Brussels Lunch, the Secretary General of Civil Protection (Greece) made a welcome speech for the implementation of CivPro. Following the welcome speech, Mr Marek KUBERSKI, Minister Counselor Embassy ofthe Republic of Poland (EU Polish Presidency) made a welcome speech emphasizing in the great importance of CivPro. The 3rd IC took place in November in Wroclaw emphasing on the Various Aspects of Disaster Prevention, on IMGWPIB. CIVPRO 2nd Brussels Lunch took place in 4th of June. It was organized by the CIVPRO Lead Partner, and was attended by representatives of the EC, Members of the Working Party on Civil Protection under the Council of the European Union (PROCIV), representatives from the permanent diplomatic representations in Brussels of 12 EU Member-States, as well as Project Partner delegations.7 transfer visits have been organized by 7 partners. The 1st TV was conducted in Northern Primorska,SLOVENIA. The main topics within the frame of CivPro project were landslides and floods. The 2nd transfer visit was conducted in Wrocław / Poland. The main goal of the 2nd TV was a presentation of good practices concerning activities connected with natural disaster prevention. The 3rd TV took place in Region of East Macedonia and Thrace in February 2012. The TV focused on the floods and forest fires incidents the last two years in REMTH and especially in Evros area. The 4th TV was conducted in Miskolc/Hungary in March 2012 and was focused in flood protection and prevention activity. The 5th TV was conducted in Kosice/Slovakia in March 2012 and was focused in floods and Technological disasters. The 6th TV was conducted in Harghita County /Romania (April 2012).The main topics within the frame in CIVPro were Floods and Forest fires. The 7th TV, was conducted in Oostende(May 2012). The main goal was the exchange of experiences related to the floodings, the industrial disasters & the maritime accidents. One Disaster Prevention Policy Framework including identified good practices, 9 regional reports on good practices provided, 9 draft local/Regional Disaster Prev Policy Plans were conducted. The template of the synthesis report was presented by the LP during the implementation of the 2nd BL in June 2012. The Local/Regional Disaster Prevention Policy Plan of the LP has a double scope. It capitalizes on the knowledge gained through project activities, including, but not limited to, the Common Risk Theory and Disaster Prevention Good Practices.
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  • 8.3%   156 797,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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11 Partners Participants