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Regional cooperation for crafts' development (REGIO-CRAFTS)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BACKGROUND:Many European regions have long traditions and culture of crafts. The crafts sector contributes to the uniqueness of the regions, regional appeal to its visitors, inhabitants and to the regional economy as a source of local employment, income, and social and economic stability. The craft sector is important for preservation of local culture and heritage. The crafts is a part of the creative industries which promises high growth potential in the future. Today, the sector in general in the EU faces several important problems, such as:(1) the fierce global competition of cheaper products; (2) loss of old skills and traditions; (3) difficulties of getting into the markets; (4) loosing the customer appeal of traditional crafts' products; (5) lack of financial resources and economic capacity, as most of the craftsmen are very small SMEs, self-employed orhobby-based establishments. OBJECTIVES:The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the craft industry in the European Union as an economic sector and to raise its importance in the economy and development of each project partner region. The specific objectives of the project are:(1) to develop efficient policies for regional support of crafts' development;(2) to disseminate the project results and raise awareness of craft sector issues for target groups - policy and decision makers at at regional, national and EU-levels, craftsmen and craft sector stakeholders, and general public.MAIN ACTIVITIES:The project will reach its overall and specific objectives by a) good practice exchange visits and study trips: b) elaboration of regional policy implementation plans for each partner; c) dissemination and information activities at local seminars and the EU-level conference; d) creation of good practice case study report on regional policies for crafts' development.RESULTS: The good practices learnt will be transferred into regional policy implementation plans. Therefore, project results will last for several years ahead and will bring added value to the regions via strong craft sector. This will be done by choosing the right and effective regional policies. Also, it will bring significant value of contributing to the theme of promotion and revitalization of craft sector at EU level.PARTNERSHIP:The project has been initiated by Lead Partner - Zemgale Planning Region, the organization that unites several municipalities in Zemgale region in Latvia and joined by 5 other partners from across Europe - the Netherlands, Spain, Bulgaria, Portugal and Greece. The partners are regional and local authorities, or authority established institutions with aims to stimulate regional development.All partners have various experience working with craft and creative industries issues and are committed to share and exchange good practice and experiences. Achievements: Project "Regio-Crafts" is in its beginning phase, when partners are getting acquainted to partnership and project activities. Some activities are delayed due to the late start of the project. First meetings were held in beginning of April, 2012 in Latvia when all project partners signed partnership agreement, discussed project activities, overall implementation information and met each other. Partnership is new, therefore the start of the project is not as energetic, as it should be. During the partner visit in Latvia, 1st Steering Committee meeting was held where partners introduced themselves and their institutions and expectations in the project. 1st Management teem meeting was held in Latvia as well as 1st exchange of experience seminar dedicated to existing issues and legislation of crafts sector in each partner country or region. During the exchange of experience seminar which was hosted by LP, PP got possibility to visit Crafts and Art center of Dobele city, what is one of the most successful supporting organization for craftsmen in Zemgale created in the frame of cross-border cooperation project with Lithuania. In Zemgale where LP is based, are 11 Craft Centers and 9 of them are established within the previously mentioned cross-border cooperation project. Most probably that this is one of the good practices of LP, but that will be analysed during the project. In the beginning of the project logo is elaborated and is already used in all project events. Beside the project activities, LP project teem is participated in Pogramme organized events, in order to skill up their knowledge in INTERREG IVC Programme project implementation.

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  • 81.8%   936 056,67
  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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5 Partners Participants