European Projects
ReGeneracja młodych
ReGeneracja młodych
Start date: Jul 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 1, 2015
Main aim of the project was to initiate a dialogue between the youths living in the region of Biala Podlaska county (north-eastern Poland) and decision makers in the field of youth in the region.
The dialogue was aimed to raise awareness among the youths about their civil rights, opportunities waiting for them and to make them more active in social sphere, raise their level of civic education, make them understand the power of social media.
The project embraced 30 youths aged 13-20 from the region of Biala Podlaska who took part in our workshops and the debate. The whole project management was carried out by the Initiative Group consisting of 5 local youths aged We have invited local decision makers in the field of youth to take part in the debate and establish a dialogue with the participants.
In total the project was participated by 35 youths. Within its frameworks was organized a workshop for the Initiative Group to prepare them fr project management. The remaining 30 participants were involved into:
- workshops on rhetoric, journalism that enabled them to take another look at social media, civic media.
- workshops on self-presentation and communication,
- workshop done by EU consultant about European funds for the youths and the opportunities given (e.g. Erasmus+),
- group work aimed to prepare the final debate. The participants were split into 2 groups which prepared the debate.
The workshops for the youths lasted for 2 days. The evaluation was carried out after each day (by disscusions, questionnaire). The final debate was organized on the 3rd day of the event. The debate's topics:
- Generation Z and the new technologies.
- The influence of new technologies on youth professional carriers. Labour market and the changes in intergenerational thinking.
The project management and communication processes were overseen by a facilitator from the Foundation.
Thanks to participation in the project the youths reached expected results, that is:
- increased skills of creating texts, reports, media content
- increased skills in area of civic media
- increased rhetoric skills
- increased abilities to work in groups, manage a project, self-presentation
- gained skills to use internet safely.
Having finished their participation in the project, all the participants were given Youthpass certificates confirming their gained skills as well as given certificates of attendance from the Foundation.
Project results and conclusions were also included into the final e-publication. It includes also comments from the participating youth policy decision-makers: http://media.wix.com/ugd/a2355c_e4548bbe26bf446da4f449964ec67938.pdf
There has been also published online a video report form the final debate http://www.greenelephant-foundation.com/#!regeneracjamlodych/c1361
We have created and managed the Facebook profile of the project (Regeneracja Młodych), mailing list, hashtag (#generacjaZ #regeneracjamlodych), www project website both in Polish and English langauge (http://www.greenelephant-foundation.com/#!regeneracjamlodych/c1361)
The qualitative results of the project are the acquisition by the youth of new competences and skills through workshops, getting information on . the possibility of the development of the labor market, communication through the media / social - media . The project resulted in building a bridge for discussion between young people and those who shape youth policies in the region.