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REFUGIUM: building shelter cities and a new welcoming culture. Links between European universities and schools in Human Rights.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of this project is to develop initiatives and innovative educational practices aimed at strengthening the role of higher education institutions as agents of social innovation. Through transnational cooperation it seeks to promote the social responsibility of higher education institutions faced to a subject of great interest such as the immigration and refugee crisis registered in the EU and the challenge in terms of integration and social cohesion that it represents. This project is based on the belief that higher education institutions can play an important role in the integration of migrants and refugees through their own educational activities.The proposed actions are aimed at promoting a better understanding of the causes, consequences and current state of forced displacement in Europe and prevent racist and xenophobic outbreaks among European adolescents and youth. The actions planned are 4-axis articulated: a) Conduct a study on the perceptions of young university and high school students on the refugee crisis registered in Europe and its consequences. b) Develop training to promote a better understanding of the conflicts that have generated the current forced displacement and the situation of refugees seeking protection in Europe. c) Develop teaching materials on migration and shelter to help to understand the phenomenon and to prevent the emergence of racist and xenophobic actions and behaviors among adolescents and young Europeans. d) Research on initiatives that European universities carried out for the integration of refugees and their impact in terms of integration. Adolescents and young high school and college students, both indigenous and migrants and refugees are the main target of this project. The secondary recipients will be professors and other actors of civil society. Through the various proposed activities more than one million people are expected to be reached, as direct and indirect recipients of the actions. The institutions involved in this strategic alliance are the University of Murcia coordinator, University of Salerno (Italy), the University of Lund (Sweden) and ISCTE-IUL (Portugal), setting up an organizational structure comprising a commission on each one of the partners (local) and three other transnational commissions (commission for coordination, quality and evaluation and dissemination). The main products to be obtained from the project will be: 1) A report on the perceptions and speeches of young university students about the refugee crisis and migration and its consequences in Europe and another on perceptions and speeches on this subject recorded among high school students. 2) Teaching material composed of a didactic notebook: "Tutoring for conviviality: building host cities" with didactic units to work with high school students and an educational resource entitled "Migration and Asylum in Europe" aimed primarily at university students units. 3) A training course for teachers and academic researcher on "The Politics of the European Union on migration, refugee and asylum in the XXI century" and MOOC course aimed mainly at university students on "Migration, shelter and human rights in Europe". 4) Finally a research report on initiatives that European universities are carrying out for the integration of refugees and their impact. The main results and expected impact of the project among its recipients is related to the fulfillment of the objectives achieving greater awareness among adolescents and young people about the causes of recent migration flows and their characteristics way to prevent the emergence of actions and racist and xenophobic behavior; the generation of training spaces and academic and social debate on migration, shelter and human rights and to have promoted greater awareness among students, teachers and society in general on the role of educational institutions of higher education to relevant social phenomena as the crisis of refugees. On the other hand, it is expected that the project will strengthen the experience of cooperation among the partner institutions and it will be an area through which partners may share knowledge, teaching methodology and professors, and build a network of strong transnational network allowing the development of new joint actions in the future. The proposed final budget for this project is 387.650€.

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