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Reduction of Environmental Pollution in the Border Region

Goal of the project is the disposal of construction waste material and debris, which has accumulated in the area of the region along the Hungarian-Croatian-Slovenian state border, by placing crushers, equipment for sorting and recycling, and a loader and a canal digger which are specially equipped for fragmenting, cutting and compressing. As a result of the purchase of the aforementioned equipment preconditions have been made for the treatment and reusage of construction waste material and debris, the volume of accumulated waste that required huge landfill capacities was reduced, as well as substances that are hazardous to the environment and the overloaded capacity of depots. The carrying out of the project enables efficient rehabilitation which is least harmful to the environment of the devastated regions in the settled areas (slums). Achievements: The use of the canal digger and the loader which are specially equipped for fragmenting, cutting and compressing enables: preparation, sorting and loading concrete, bricks, wood, etc for recycling and further usage. The equipment was put into use in Zalaegerszeg, Szombathely, Zalakaros, Körmend, Szentgotthárd and other settled areas. Similar operations are planned for Cakovec in Croatia. Current count of operational hours: 3720. The crusher for crushing and fragmenting recycled materials is used at the same locations as the loader. It is in constant use. Current count of operational hours: 1330. The sorting machine with a sifting belt, due to its characteristics, is used somewhat less; however its application is economically justifiable.

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  • 75%   355 531,50
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

1 Partners Participants