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Reducing The Rate Of Early School Leaving At Age 6-14
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

REDUCING THE RATE OF EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING AT AGE 6 - 14 High rates of irregular attendance,which result in inadequate success rates(%34,28) at our school, and the lack of scientific resources and of hands on training experience in this field led our institution to consider a training in Europe. Several major reasons could be mentioned deepening the irregular attendance issue at our school: immigration, low income levels, broken home problem, child labor issue and among many, unawareness among families. Thus, in order to tackle the issue at hand, seven members of our education staff will be attending to the teachers' training courses, specifically to "current issues in education - early school leaving" course. Our short term aim, in this regard, is to achieve a progress in the competencies of our staff at an international level; and in the long run, our goal is to increase the quality of education by reducing the irregular attendance rates. In accordance with this training course, we propose a sustainable project to deal with this socio-economic issue designed to encompass multiple layers of our society and to elevate rationality and efficiency in our school. Our project will commence by reporting scientific data about the risk group at stake;and then, it will be followed by a careful scrutiny of its progress. Conducting our project, we will particularly employ hands-on activities, role model studies and among many, we aim at benefiting from several seminars relevant to our project. Collaborating with related NGOs, local authorities and universities is also a pivotal part of our project. We believe that there is not a single reason for our issue and therefore, we need to address a range of triggers. In all these activities, accordingly, encompassing not only the students but also their families is our goal: we believe that in acting together, sharing experiences and focusing upon the motivations behind irregular attendance at school, we should include the families as well. Upon a successful training of our education staff, moreover, we will be competent enough to extend the breadth of our project with new tools and strategies. It is in this sense, our project together with the training program will promote our understanding in solving such socio-economic problems both at a local level and at an international level. As a result, we particularly anticipate a rational progress in our competencies and awareness as well as obtaining a sustainable toolbox in handling such crucial issues. Furthermore, a step towards internationalization will in turn develop a certain level of trust among families and students which would also contribute to our cooperation capabilities, education quality and communicative skills in our school.
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