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Reducing Occupational Stress in Employment

If European Commission policy on social integration of people withmental health problems is to be realised in member states, retention ofexperienced trainers and support personnel within the vocational trainingsector will be a significant factor affecting successful implementation. Theliterature indicates that working in this area of training can be particularlychallenging for staff in terms of occupational stress, emotional exhaustionand ‘burn-out’, which is a significant reason for experienced personnelleaving posts. This in turn significantly diminishes the ability of services toprovide effective delivery of services to users. Whilst a number of destressorprogrammes have been developed for staff working in clinicalenvironments no such programmes have been developed to support staffworking in vocational rehabilitation, employment support or social careenvironments. This project aims to develop a short and financially viablecombined person and work directed multi modal intervention de-stressorprogramme in order to improve the long-term retention within services oftraining and support staff in this area. Outcomes The project will providea accessible and user friendly online web based de-stressor programmeutilising a MITA based pedagogical strategy, predicated on structuredcontent, flexible delivery and self-paced usage. It will be available toservices throughout the year; 24 hours a day. The programme will becustomisable to suit local conditions and individual need. Its transnationalnature will provide a transferable programme between memberstates and thereby facilitate career mobility and information sharingbetween states as this relates to managing work related stress within thesocial care sector. Envisaged impact The project will facilitate overall staffretention through reducing individual stress and ‘burn out’. The projectwill also provide data and information to support local services andEuropean Commission initiatives’ on social inclusion, workplace support,policy harmonisation and mental health.
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8 Partners Participants