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REDUCE - Waste Strategy in Transnational Reduction (REDUCE)
Start date: Apr 28, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over-production and over-consumption of products and the resulting increase in household waste are increasingly becoming trans-national problems that require cross border co-operation. The REDUCE projects key objective is to develop an integrated waste minimisation policy, including the sustainable planning of waste management sites. The 4.49 M euro project also aims to improve the quality of life in urban areas by minimising both waste transport and the use of polluting waste management techniques such as incineration and dumping. The project, which is led by the Belgian non governmental organisation Espace Environnement, seeks to stabilise and preferably reduce the generation of rubbish in the areas involved in the project by encouraging the minimisation, prevention, recycling, home composting of waste. The four partners will seek to cut waste at its source by raising awareness amongst consumers about their use of non renewable products, such as bottled as opposed to tap water, and developing partnerships with product manufacturers and retailers. Achievements: Main outcomes of the project can be seen as : • a validated and efficient methodology to transfer experience and good practices ; • a systematic approach for implementing waste prevention strategy at territorial level, presented in various methodological booklets; • a number of exploratory approaches successfully tested in different contexts, such as the EcoTeam method, which aims at empowering workers in order to change behaviours towards more friendly ones.
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  • 48.1%   1 747 437,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants