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Recruit and Retain 2 (Making it Work)
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description (EN): Making it Work will move forward work developed in Recruit and Retain (R&R) (NPP 2007-13) which investigated the underlying causes of challenges in recruiting and retaining health professionals in rural areas.  An output from R&R was a Business model (R&RBM) which recommended solutions be delivered using a systems redesign approach, including seven steps designed to optimise the outcomes of the products and services.Making it Work partners will implement the R&RBM tailored to local and regional public sector needs, with each regional implementation evaluated as a case study. Local/regional sustainability and viability plans will be created to support on-going stability in the public sector workforce as well as the wider community within the participating areas.  An overarching evaluation will be undertaken and used to develop a final deliverable – a knowledge transfer document.  This will take the form of a policy framework document highlighting the costs/benefits of the interventions and providing a flexible policy framework, customizable by other jurisdictions interested in replicating the Making it Work successes.   Expected Results (EN): Awareness and attitudes among health professionals towards the use of eHealth technologies Expected Outputs (EN): Making it Work seeks to identify efficiencies and improvements in access to services in rural and remote areas. This will be delivered through the use of new and innovative technologies and in the way in which services are delivered and therefore the way people work, as well as a radical, whole systems, change in the way staff are recruited and retained by both their employers and the wider community. In order to achieve this the Making it Work project will develop and identify ways to support and facilitate staff at all levels and the wider community, across all sectors to understand and use the new technologies required to deliver the new ways of working.The R&RBM stated that the implementation of individual solutions will not address the often intractable problem of recruiting and retain high quality staff to work in remote rural areas. The model states that a whole system approach must be taken in order for the highly complex issues underpinning the problem to be addressed: •Working in remote and rural areas often requires a very specific set of skills, attitudes and behaviours. Living and working in a remote rural area is not for everyone therefore targetting the right individuals, as part of planned recruitment activity, is crucial. •Marketing of organisations, within the local community, is important. Ensure that potential employees have enough information to base their decision on. •Moving to a remote rural area often involves whole families so marketing the local community is also important.•Supporting staff professionally is important to ensure their commitment.•Involve the professional and and wider community - supporting staff and their families socially, to integrate into working and community life, particularly within the induction period is critical.The innovative products and services, developed in R&R, will be implemented, as relevant, as part of a whole system approach in Making it Work Case studies. These include technology-driven solutions, such as improving access to clinical expertise to rural areas through telebots, technology-enabled professional development and training of professionals and paraprofessionals in rural areas. The implementation of these changes will initiate a significant change in service delivery in the organisations involved in the case studies.A robust cost benefit analysis of the case studies will be undertaken comparing the outcomes to the costs and benefits of alternate forms of service delivery, and the costs of vacancies in these positions. These analyses will contribute to the desired programme result (increased awareness of technology driven public service provision), in both a qualitative and quantitative manner, identifying where there are benefits and cost savings, and also identifying which services are less well suited to being technology-driven. As a result, all business cases in this project will incorporate consideration of the role of eHealth and digital technol

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  • 61.4%   1 217 967,27
  • 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Northern Periphery and Artic
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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4 Partners Participants