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Recovery the natural habitats of community interest from Hunedoara County (LIFE+ReHabHu)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 22, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background In the Poiana Rusca mountains, volcanic activity generated the cone-shaped Dealul Cetatii (Fortress Hill). This landscape has a rich biodiversity, with 375 identified important plant species, numerous species of rare fauna and several natural habitat types of European interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. However, these habitats have become heavily degraded. Beech forests and oak-hornbeam forests have undergone a loss in area, and degradation due to intensive development and the large-scale exploitation of mineral resources. Negative impacts on the priority habitat ‘Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines’ have occurred due to the establishment of plantations of acacia, an invasive alien species that has led to changes in the flora composition of this habitat. This situation has been accentuated by illegal grazing and uncontrolled tourism. Objectives The LIFE+ReHabHu project aims to return to a favourable conservation status the three natural habitat types of European Community interest in the Poiana Rusca mountains. To achieve this goal the project aims to: Restore ‘Medio-European beech forests of Cephalanthero-Fagion’ habitat located in a former bauxite quarry in Ohaba valley (7.11 ha), which was destroyed by mining activities before 1990; Restore ‘Dacian oak-hornbeam forests’ destroyed by the limestone quarry of Craciunesti (Magura Baitei) up to 1999, on an area of 11.04 ha; Return to a favourable conservation status the priority habitat type ‘Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines’ affected by uncontrolled expansion of Acacia plantations, uncontrolled tourism and illegal grazing activities; and Raise awareness among local communities and children in the region of the importance of conservation and restoration of the three forest habitat types targeted by this project. Expected results: Ecological reconstruction of 7.24 ha of the habitat ‘Medio-European beech forests of Cephalanthero-Fagion’; Ecological reconstruction of 11.04 ha of the habitat ‘Dacian oak-hornbeam forests’; Recovery of the favourable conservation status of 30.92 ha of priority habitat ‘Tilio-Acerion forests on slopes, screes and ravines’; and Increased information and awareness on the importance of conservation and restoration of these natural habitats.

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