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Recorriendo Europa. Nuevas posibilidades de formación e inserción laboral para jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The entities involved in the project are Pinardi Federation of Social Platforms and the Association Regione Piemonte CnosFap Fossano Headquarters. The project addresses different needs of the group of students and professionals involved in this proposal. In the educational and professional field, the need we identified is to expand the professional training and adapt it to the European education system in order to train and achieve equality training among European students and professionals of initial vocational training programs. Regarding to socio-economic needs, we point out the precarious economic situation of our students (young people enrolled in Initial Vocational Training Programs), which makes it almost impossible to carry out mobilities with no support on the part of the organisation. This situation would exacerbate the urgency of access to work. And finally, as for the personal needs, our students have deficits in social skills and competences, which we consider that can be developed by group processes such as the ones this programme promotes. The main objectives of the project for the group of students are: • Encourage mobility of young people in situations of social vulnerability and with limited economic resources. • Enhance the attractiveness of vocational training and the possibilities it offers to disadvantaged youngsters. • Prevent early school dropout. • Increase the employability of young people at risk of social exclusion. • Extend the training curriculum by adapting the students to the different possibilities we find in the European education system. • Create an identity of European citizenship. The main objectives of the project for the group of professionals are: • Foster the professional development of the staff who works in Initial Professional Training Programs in Pinardi. • Offer a different approach to the work that is done with these students, incorporating success keys from the hsoting organisation. • Increase the technical competences and the social skills related to their work. • Improve the quality of the mobility projects for VET learners and staff. • Create an identity of European citizenship that will increase the likelihood of encouraging learners to partecipate in future mobility projects. • Strengthen the network of contacts of both organisations and their international dimension. Expected results for the students: - participants' motivation to do further studies has been enhanced. - social skills that facilitate the social inclusion in the labour market have been acquired - professional skills in their specific sectors have been acquired. - information about different work realities in Europe have been received. - participants' cultural awareness has been raised. Expected results for the staff: - professional and social skills, as well as a new approach to IVT have been acquired and so the quality of the work has been improved. - participants' cultural awareness has been raised and conveyed to the students. - future collaboration with the hosting organisation have been proposed. - the international dimension of Pinardi has been reinforced. Two (2) mobilities of staff will be carried out from Madrid (Spain) to Fossano (Italy), for an observation-period of one week during the last term of the year 2015 and last term of 2016. One mobility of IVT learners will be carried out to the same centre for a period of two weeks in 2016.

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