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Recognize, remedy and re-engage
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Council of Ministers of the European Union at its meeting on May 12, 2009 establishes a "Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training", in order to ensure the professional, social and personal conduct of all citizens, employability and sustainable economic prosperity, while promoting democratic values, social cohesion, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. The Framework sets out four new common strategic objectives and in this project we want to focus principally on the SO 3 on Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship especially in the point related to reducing school drop should be less than 10%. This strategic partnership wants to work towards this goal by incorporating new pedagogical practices and tools of socio-educational intervention through teacher training, sharing best practices and experiences of participating organizations and echoing the results obtained with public institutions capable to implement these new methodologies into the education system of their countries. As we all belong to the European Unión and we have common objectives it is imperative and necessary the cooperation for the transference of knowledge and experiences. The partners participating in the project are from Luxembourg, Spain, Belgium, Latvia and Malta, including Public Institutions, Organizations and schools. The project will run for two years with the direct participation of 80 teachers. The main objectives is to implement new teaching practices in the classes of 30% of the teachers of the partner schools in this project. To achieve this implementation rate, the project organizes a series of activities, with the aim of a) motivating teachers, b) providing them with the required tools and guides, and c) training them in how to use these tools. The particular objectives are: a) Identify the causes of dropping out in each country. Understand why students have become disengaged. b) Develop a guide "NEW EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES AND STRATEGIES TO PREVENT EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING" based on previous experiences of good practices and results from the project that it will help educators, schools and institutions. c) Extend this guide by new practices using new technologies (Tangible user Interfaces (TUI) enhanced teaching) to enhance the motivation of teachers and students d) Provide the required training and support to 30% of the teachers during 2 scholar years in the implementation of the new practices in their class. e) Understand and experience how the practices change the dynamics in schools and classes, and how they can reduce dropout rates f) Promote cooperation between schools in order to support exchange or experiences and adoption of new perspectives g) Disseminate the results between other schools, teacher and institutions. Acting and prevent at educational level is the most efficient way of restoring short-term or prevent long-term social problems of intolerance, rejection, xenophobia, gender inequality, absenteeism, failure and dropout.

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7 Partners Participants