Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Obtaining the Erasmus+ programme would enable our students to improve their command of languages in a professional environment and it would give them the chance to gain new skills, use the ones they have already acquired during their studies and search employment in Europe. The success of the programme would be based on the direct implication of our school’s Management, the Erasmus+ coordinator, the different teachers and the tutors belonging to the different specialities of Vocational Studies that are offered in our Vocational High School. Our institution has already taken part in many international experiences in the last four years: We have cooperated with Berufskileg in Siegburg (Germany) to carry out school exchanges and send students to Germany with the former Erasmus and Leonardo grants. We have also managed the internships of three of their Administration students in Spain. Moreover, since 2012 we have been immersed in a Comenius Project, in which we work together with five schools from Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Germany and Turkey. Our mobilities are channelled through partners with proven experience in the organization of training programmes abroad. In addition, we have contact with companies, which in some cases, have collaborated with us for more than three years enabling us to establish a long term cooperation agreement with them. For this project we are applying for 6 mobilities (three for intermediate level students and three for the higher degree in the fields of Vehicle Maintenance, Administration and Electricity), so that these students can do a 370 hour internship in German, Italian and British companies. The selection process of these students, as it has been done in previous years, will be carried out under strict transparency criteria, considering the academic record of the candidates, as well as their command of English at intermediate level and their teachers assessment in terms of maturity and aptitude of each student. Regarding the impact and outcome of the project, we expect to improve the specific competencies of our students, as well has their command of languages. In addition to this, we intend to boost the interest of Vocational Studies for those people who are currently doing their first year of vocational studies or even those doing 6th grade, attracting the highest possible number of students to our classrooms. In the same way, our aim is to increase among teachers and students the interest in Euopean projects and the motivation to learn languages. Furthermore, we would like to inform the families in our neighbourhood about all the possibilities that the European Union offers in terms of education and employment and about all the progress we make and the contacts we gradually establish with other educative institutions and foreign companies. We also hope that the students who participate in this project can share their experience with other students and neighbours through talks and presentations given in the area. We believe that the long term benefits are undeniable: improvement of professional skills of teachers and students, learning about new techniques of job searching in Europe with the subsequent increase in work chances and decrease in unemployment. Moreover, we would try to create a “job bank” for school leavers and former students. We also hope to obtain more cooperation projects with European schools through E-twinning and get in contact with other Chambers of Commerce in order to promote relationships with other countries in the UE and outside it. Finally, we commit ourselves to disseminate the results we obtain through the communication media we have in our neighbourhood and city, by means of our webpage, social network sites and the EST database, sharing our experiences and good practice with the highest possible number of citizens around the world.
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