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Realising the Potential of Abandoned Military Sites as an Integral part of Sustainable Urban Community Regeneration (REPAIR)
Start date: Jan 18, 2009, End date: Jul 18, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Regeneration of abandoned military sites (socio-economic regeneration of abandoned military heritage sites as a driver for sustainable urban development) Achievements: Documents/reports:Signature Sheet: Network Mtg - Rostock 29 May 0820/02/2015Signature Sheet: Partner meeting Kaunas 23 Sept 0820/02/2015Signature Sheet: WG Pillar II & PE Medway May 0920/02/2015Signature Sheet: WG Pillar III Utrecht September 200920/02/2015Signature Sheet: WG Pillar IV Karlskrona February 201020/02/2015More documents and information is available under:
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  • 75.5%   461 291,37
  • 2007 - 2013 URBACT II
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants