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Reading and Literacy through Language Learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RALLY (Reading and Literacy through Language Learning) is a three year project to be developed by Gladesmore Community School, London; Collège Irène Joliot-Curie, Argenteuil; and IES Azorin, Petrer, their staff and students. The schools aim to address EU-wide issues of disengagement by many young people from reading for pleasure, low chronological reading ages and gaps in literacy skills. The objectives of the project are to develop teaching and learning strategies to promote reading for pleasure in home and taught languages, creative writing skills, oracy and presentation, as well as literacy skills such as prediction, clarifying, questioning and summarising. The development of expert ICT will be central to the project. Each school intends to develop their students’ confidence in the production of personalised, extended and creative writing, and spontaneity and confidence in spoken language. RALLY schools will develop methodologies to improve students’ reading levels in home and taught languages by producing relevant, engaging and challenging authentic reading materials, and by using technology to develop students’ levels of language and confidence in spontaneous talk. Students will work collaboratively to produce and present work using creative approaches, digital storytelling and performance. During and following the project there will be a sharing and development of outstanding teaching and learning strategies across the curriculum areas of each school through collaborative planning, reviewing and quality assurance of work. Each school will bring specific expertise into the project to be shared and developed – ICT skills, creative writing strategies, the use of drama conventions,engagement with local communities and the teaching of literacy and reading skills. RALLY will support our students in becoming life-long learners of languages. We aim for our students to be highly- skilled and confident modern language learners, have high levels of functional literacy skills in home and taught languages and to develop transferable skills to enable them to be successful in the EU and international job market.
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