Search for European Projects

End date: Aug 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe faces a huge demographic challenge in the near future. All countries have increasing parts of the population over the age of 65 who demand care, pensions, learning opportunities and activities. Open air museums are arenas which provide particular learning opportunities where people in the third, or even fourth, age can become active citizens by using and contributing their knowledge as well as learning new things. The partners in this learning partnership have all worked with learning for adults and older people in different ways. The aim of the project is to learn from each other's experiences of working with active aging and active citizenship in new ways, by involving more staff and learners and by intensifying our collaboration. The main theme of how to provide opportunities for active aging in open air museums is broken down into more manageble themes. The partnership works with: 1) Volunteers 2) Community engagement in work with modern times and 3) Reminiscence. During four partnership meetings these themes are explored and discussed. Between meetings the museums work on developing their own learning offers within these themes and to put the things we learn from each other into action.
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5 Partners Participants