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Raising standards by sharing our Myths and Legends
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is aimed at supporting pupils to explore past and present book making and use these to learn about the stories, cultures, and traditions of our own and partner countries. Through staff supporting and sharing pedagogy in the teaching of reading and writing we intend to use best practice so that each partner school will be able to raise the levels of attainment in reading and writing being reached at present. We want to improve writing levels across the school, and develop a love of reading for all and especially by engaging boys in reading for pleasure. At present our results tend to show that many boys have a reluctance to want to read for pleasure and our statistics show that this is an area in which we need to improve. We want to encourage a love of reading through storytelling. Traditional folk-tales provide a rich fund of material for pupils of all ages. Through listening to, performing and reading traditional tales, pupils and their teachers will explore culture, heritage and literary tradition of their own and partner countries. The 6 schools have undertaken projects in the past with combinations of different partners. We will work collaboratively with Celtic partners from Wales, Ireland and Brittany, together with an EEA partner from Iceland, plus a northern European country of Finland and a southern country of Italy. We feel this gives us a wide scope for myths and legends from many different areas of Europe so that cultures and traditions can be explored. Types of published books will be studied so that pupils can produce their myth or legend in a variety of formats. Pupils will draft scripts and use puppets to perform for their local community . Performances will be recorded to be exchanged. A variety of books will be made for exchange including bound paper books, pop-up books, digital multi-media books, comic characters and interactive books where readers can make choices about the route to follow. By the end of the project each school will have built up a library of materials from all the partner countries. To support pupils in recording versions of many stories they will hear and read, the teachers from each country will work together to find effective teaching methods. Staff will share good practice, and investigate ways to improve basic literacy skills for the many pupils who find reading a challenge. The technical skills needed to research and create resources will become part of curriculum lessons. New ICT skills will be taught and links with industry developed to create enterprise weeks for pupils to plan, design, make and sell their collective newspapers, comics and books. Pupils will visit libraries, and newspaper printers to see how books/newspapers are made today. They will understand that early versions of stories were always ‘told’ and passed down from each generation before written books came into being. Looking at how books have evolved over time will allow pupils to make choices regarding digital and e-books of today. Pupils will:- • make a board game of their myth or legend with suitable instructions for younger pupils to be able to read and participate. These games will be bi-lingual so that pupils’ language learning will also develop. • see how illustrations can aid enjoyment of books and the impact illustrations can have on the imagination of pupils. • develop a comic character and produce a comic strip for a joint publication as part of an enterprise project. • Produce a collaborative newspaper during the project. • Design a badge and logo to belong the ‘Erasmus+ Book Worm Club’ • celebrate World Book Day, - a day full of reading and writing activities • Perform a myth or legend for younger pupils by using puppets to tell the tale • read and depict, through literacy, drama, art, and music a traditional folk tale from their own culture. This will be performed and recorded for exchange with partners, using a variety of I.T. An accompanying DVD of music and drama will also be produced. By sharing traditional tales, we want to enrich and extend the pupils’ experiences, so they are able to develop their own stories and foster a love of reading and writing. We will promote their natural instinct to explore and encourage a love of books and inspire them to want to read and write for pleasure. Studying literature from a number of cultures will help pupils reflect on their own experiences of the world and to better understand others. Pupils will need to listen to and discover stories to learn by heart. They will practise their reading, performing and methods of recording and delivery. Schools will work with a business partner to teach the skills of newspaper production. This will lead to an enterprise project where pupils will be able to sell their joint newspaper, comic and board games to the local communities. The end data will provide schools with evidence of an increase in pupils reading ages and its impact on literacy levels.

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