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Raimu fait sa M.E.CA. (Mobilité En CAtalogne)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jules Raimu vocational school has been developping a mobility scheme entitled « Raimu fait sa M.E.CA » a pun between MECHANIC and M.E.C.A an acronym standing for Mobility in Catalonia.Sixteen six form students in Vocational training in Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair will do a four-week work placement in car companies in Barcelona. This scheme will be carried out over a period of 24 months : 8 students will do their work placement in November-December 2016, the other 8 students in Novemebr-December 2017.The participants have had some academic problems and they are disengaged from school. It is difficult to sustain their motivation for their 3 -year degree.This project is a solid tool to allow students to improve their foreign language skills, to deepen and diversify their professional skills. They are more likely to engage in learning and have a long-term motivation.This project relies on an active collaboration between our high school and the Guineueta from Barcelona school. The Europass curriculums of the students who take part in the mobility are sent to the partner school, and the Guineueta high school is in charge of finding participants a company which corresponds to their profile. As far as we are concerned, we provide The Guineueta School our network of local car companies to welcome their students involved in the mobility process. The project of European mobility “Raimu fait sa M.E.CA” is part of a policy of European openness in our school. The expected results for the high school Raimu are of different kinds: Indeed, it means: - Making the partnership between the Spanish Guineueta high school and the French “Maison de l’Europe” durable.- Developing our network of car companies in Nîmes and Barcelona- Internationalizing educational practicesThrough this mobility, participants will acquire a greater autonomy, self confidence, and additional ambition at school and in their professional project. To conclude, European mobility is a guaranty of social and cultural openness, it has a deep impact on the participants as regards their acting as citizens.
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