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Rahuklassi tasememäng / Class of peace - level catching game
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main objective of the project "Class of peace - level catching game" is to increase cooperation, tolerance and understanding in class through groupwork and other non-formal education elements. We also aim to train youngsters initiative and enterpreneurship, to awake citizen activity and increase solidarity and tolerance between different layers of society. Level catching game is about monthly tasks that classes have to find solution to. Tasks are creating picture of the class, making the map of different talents class has, writing essays about good things in classmates and so on. All tasks are composed so, that class could develop as one collective, that cooperation among class would be as big as possible and that there would be maximum learning experience. At the end of every month all solutions are cathered, to survey and to analyze class development. All classes, that have submitted solution, will get to the next level. Goal is to get to the 9. level to become class of peace. Among those classes, who make it to highest level, we will choose one lucky class (lottery method), who will get class excursion as reward. All actions that are mentioned above will be carried through in Estonia and in Poland at the same time, we will also have mutual meeting for analyse the process of the project. In the target group are all students in Viljandi town (2360) and students from Poland (). All members in arge group are involved activly into process and they all work in behalf of succeeding our objectives. After the project the cooperation in classes has increased, with that also atmosphere in class and all members feel themselves good in class. Learning has gone better, also initiative and active citizenship in increased. School is more enjoyable place. Youngsers have learned that cooperation is strenght.
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