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Start date: Aug 21, 2011, End date: Aug 21, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Proposed activities in the project, which will seek to resolve the identified problems and constraints to the two target regions are: Study of the economic situation and potential of the business environment – the economic units with different capacity – from the big enterprises to the SME and the sole traders. Creation of data base, which will be entered in the web based information system. These activities will help solve problems related to lack of information, little use of local resources, creation of partnership networks, the possibility of direct contacts between economic operators from both regions; Establishment of Information Consultancy Centers in the two cross border regions with two sectors- Bureau "Business Consulting" , where enterprises, contractors, start ups, economically active people will be supported to improve or start their own business. In Department "Professional education" 10 trainings for specialization in certain result of the studies will be conducted. They will support the employers, the hired and the unemployed to gain or raise qualification. Will help improve the quality of the workforce and increase their opportunities for realization on the labor market. It is foreseen to conduct a Business Forum with the scientific-practical conference, where direct links between business representatives in both regions will be realized. Project rationale will be directed to implement the activities taking in account the possible risks which may occur during project lifetime. The risks identified concern mainly administrative, financial, operational and force majeure risks. Administrative risk will be treated by set up a effective project team with distinct responsibilities between partners, and by legal binding among all partners through the partnership agreement. Operational risk concern timely implementation of activities and relations with external parties - subcontractors and target group representatives. For timely conduct of tender procedures we suggest expert with relevant knowledge in procurement who will prepare applicable dossiers and both with team leader will assure fluent procurement of goods and services. Target groups will be attracted by solid promotional campaign and presenting of project favourable influence over them. Financial risk - the most important one - will be maintained by assuring availability of funds by project partners, who are financially stable organizations and will cover the expenses by own resources and expect procedure for reimbursement of eligiblecosts by the programme. Force majeure risks cannot be predicted in that project though level of occurance is minimal Achievements: The project achieved the following results:- Conducted a survey of the economic situation in the two target regions-Montana Nishava. The study was intended to draw a picture of the socio-economic situation in the regions, to identify strengths and weaknesses of the economic and social life, needs and priorities for improving thequality of life of the population of the two cross-border region and the opportunities for joint action cohesion and support;- Information and counselling centres "quick start" have been established in Berkovitsa Nis. They successfully help the managers of the centres, in consultation and assist employers and workers seeking to improve their qualifications to be trained in managing the business and better performance of their duties in the workplace. For this purpose, 10 managers of companies from various industries in Berkovitsa and Nis were trained as instructors in methodology "Quick Start" which helps employers to optimize both the tasks of jobs and quality employees in theperformance of their specific duties;- The web based platform was created and is available here:
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  • 85%   133 449,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Serbia IPA CBC (BG-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants