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QUESTRAIN - Personnel Training Model for Integrated Quality-Environment-Safety Management System in Hospitals and Public Health Services

The QUESTRAIN project seeks to develop a personnel training model and tool-kit on integrated quality, environment and safety management, adaptable to all groups of staff in hospitals and public health services. The results expect to facilitate the implementation of several European Directives in Member States and further anticipate similar requirements within Estonia.After charting current issues and good practice models in existing management training, the project will develop a staff training model and tool kit, will pilot a version of the course with nurses in Finland and will test the training model with different staff groups in remaining partner countries. Following this evaluation, the training model will be finalised in CD-Rom (EN) and printed formats (EN, DE, FI & EE).Hospitals and public health services, health authorities, social partners and training organisations will be informed of initial objectives and interim results via partner websites, specific project leaflets and brochures, specialist press articles, and through relevant seminars. The end products/results will be implemented by partners and promoted to the full range of interested parties through seminars and international events. The CD-Rom and printed results will be subject to a copyright agreement with commercialisation envisaged beyond then lifetime of the project.
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