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Quantum walks in superconducting networks (QUANTUMWALKS)
Start date: Aug 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"I propose to build a general purpose continuous quantum walk platform using superconducting devices (resonators, qubits and SQUIDS). This system will include up to 40 sites and will implement basic quantum simulation algorithms, generalized interferometry and explore the quantum-classical boundary for many-particle entangled systems.Quantum walks (QW) are a novel scheme for quantum information processing. The core idea is to encode the problem into a network and propagate quantum particles within. The entanglement of the many-body state due to interference between sites of the network brings, at the appropriate time, to a desired answer/observable. Recent implementations with optical photons or trapped ions and atoms have brought this theoretical process to the forefront of fundamental and applied quantum engineering.In parallel, superconducting devices are experiencing a renaissance due to modern understanding of materials, fundamental physics of superconductivity and fabrication techniques. The coherence times of superconducting qubits have improved by almost 5 (!) orders of magnitude over the past ten years. Recent developments include single microwave sources and detectors, quantum-limited amplifiers, heterodyne techniques for measurement and state tomography.Building such a network involves significant challenges, both fundamental and technical. On the fundamental level I intend to improve coherence times of our devices by advanced material science characterization, simulation tools and rapid turn-around characterization. My group will build a ""quantum compiler"" system for designing new layouts, bridging abstract design to implementation. On the technical level we will implement a flip chip bias circuit to overcome site inhomogeneity and for evolving and measuring results. This will be an enabling system for a broad range of quantum information processing applications and fundamental experiments, with unprecedented computational power and flexibility."
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