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Quality, Innovation and Sustainability in Tourism Management
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to address specific problems and needs that characterize the individual, professional social and cultural dimension of its beneficiaries. It gives them a real opportunity for personal and professional growth in order to increase a full and immediate employability in the specific local labour market (tourism). And through this, we want to produce an overall improvement of the tourism system of their own places of residence. A project for two distinct but closely interrelated objectives. It aims to make an effective, non-trivial and crucial contribution to the solution of specific problems and needs expressed by both the beneficiaries and the members of the VET mobility consortium. Therefore, the main specific objectives and expected impact are summarized as follows: ? let the participants live a practical and effective experience of professional training on the field, within their specific professional sectors of the tourism market and in one of the two distinct areas of roles, responsibilities and skills (management, administration and control, accounting, marketing; technical and operational tasks, contact personnel and front-office) . Specifically, the work placement - and then the activities that participants will do - refer to the following sectors and professional profiles: - Hospitality: administration and marketing assistant; Receptionist - Catering: administration and marketing assistant; Waiter/hall operator; Help cook and kitchen assistant; Bartender - Travel : administration and marketing assistant; travel agency operator - Cultural/natural attractions: administration and marketing assistant; Information, assistance, reservations and sales operator - Event management: administration and marketing assistant; Information, assistance, reservations and sales operator; Events and conferences organizer - Complementary Services; administration and marketing assistant; Tourist information and promotion operator; Tour guide. ? to acquire, develop and improve their knowledge, advanced technical competences and professional quality skills ? promote the acquisition of advanced language knowledge and skills, both in reference to daily life that to the specific work context (business language) ? facilitate the benchmarking activities, "contamination" and sharing of advanced, innovative and effective working situations, methods and professional techniques ? foster the human and individual growth of participants developing their soft and socio-cultural skills ? increase the employment opportunities and the employability of the participants in the specific local labour market ? make a positive contribution to the development of the local economic and tourist system, through and towards: o better qualification of professional competences o innovation of methods and procedures for the management of destinations and tourist companies/services o greater internationalization of individuals, professionals , businesses and destinations o creation of real opportunities for a stable employment, especially for young people, within the local tourism industry. Therefore, the expected result is to organize, manage and implement 75 mobility experiences of France, Germany, England and Spain for the benefit of target participants, which will be characterized by: ? a traineeship of 11 weeks in one of the above mentioned sectors/areas/ profiles ? a week of professional, pedagogical and socio-cultural orientation. The 75 participants, residents in the Region of Calabria, can be: ? students in the last two years of VET schools and institute/centre ? young people who have graduated within 12 months from the date of commencement of mobility ? apprentices within schools / vocational schools or private companies With regard to the educational background, the participants have already achieved or are in the process of achieving a VET diploma ( EQF levels 3, 4 and 5), in one of the following areas: ? administration, finance and marketing ( and related ) ? tourism ? IT and telecommunications ? catering and hospitality services ? commercial services. The project is organized and managed by: ? a consortium of VET mobility leaded by Enjoy Italy (coordinator) and formed by organizations of different nature (VET schools, local authorities, sector associations, local development agencies) ? a receiving organization for each host Country, with the task of hosting and supporting the participants in the course of their life and training experience within hosting companies that provide a high standard of quality. With them, these organizations have a solid, direct and professional relationship.
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12 Partners Participants